Sunday, November 1, 2009

I did my best... :'(

<-- Sad and Down

ee... yesh... I'm sad and I feel totally down...
Evcn though I said that I did my best and I will not regret anything..., I still feel sad... :(
I didn't win anything on the halloween contest on deviantart T-T
and what's worse is I didn't win on any of those 2 contests... not even a honorable mention... TT-TT
I feel like a sore loser... -_-"
I really expected that I would win... even in just one... but... wah! nothing!
Huhuh... I wanna cry... but I don't want others to see my weakness...
sigh... so I'm keeping this to myself...
Gah! I want to improve so much!
Maybe if I change my artstyle, something will change too
But I don't want to, coz that wouldn't be me... I wanna stick to my present style... -_-...
But on the otther hand... If I will not change, nothing will...
Huhuh... I need some inspiration... I hope I'll find one T-T
Hmm.... I decided to not submit anything in deviantart this week... coz I totally feel down...
I want to draw... but I'm having an art block... one reason is because of those 2 contests...
ee... I'm cheering myself up... But it's not working!
I keep telling myself that 'There's still next time!' and 'Don't think too much about it, It's just a contest'
But... wah! I can't easily get over it! XC
I saw some inspirational quotes... which made my feeling a little comforable...
It says that ' You'll fin hope in despair, those who does not experienced sorrow cannot appreciate joy'
ee... I found this when one of my friends on friendster posted this on the bulletin... I feel a bit relieved :)
and then my horoscope told me that
'It might feel as if your relationship is built like a house of cards -- it's shaping up to be quite impressive, but one slight breeze or jiggle could send it all tumbling down. This sense of insecurity can be tricky to deal with. So instead of letting yourself concentrate on the bad things that could happen, focus all that energy on what's going right. Don't take anything for granted: what is meant to be will be.'
Kinda inspiring isn't it? :)

wah... I think I still need some time to recover... and when I'm ready, you'll see a better and more stronger me n_n

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