Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween~! OwO

Happy Halloween everybody! XD
ee... uhm, sorry I haven't posted anything yesterday... -_-...
you see, I was really sad and down last night...
Wanna know what happened? ok I'll tell you...
We went to get our grades in school, and I was soooo happy I got to see my friends and other classmates again OwO
No that's not the reason that I was sad... this is the real reason...
ee... You see, I entered this contest at deviantart and I was really confident that I'll win in that contest...
but I haven't realized that the deadline is Oct. 30!
And so I rushed last night... and the output was no good... -_-...
I wasn't satisfied with the end result... T^T
here's the output:

But luckily I was able to submit my entry... *sigh.. whew! -_-"
But still I was really down coz... I felt like I'm sooo unlucky yesterday... huhuhu...
My pc sucks... it's so slow! I wanna throw it outside the window! grrr... >:'-(
and then I was like murmuring last night... and I don't know what to do... up to the point that I want to cry...
and becoz my cellphone has load, I texted some of my friends... I told them I want someone to comfort me... T^T
but, uwaaahhh! no one replied....
I really wasn't expecting someone to reply coz It's 12:30 am or something... and it's really late...
but... wah! I really want someone to talk to that time.. coz I'm on my worse mood... -_-...
and then, my cellphone rang, and guess who texted? he's the only one who texted me that time...
It's my friends Jonnel...
uwaaah... I really felt touched that time... there's tears behind my eyes... TuT
but, it's only a late message.. but still it's oukei T^T
atleast he made me feel happy... :D
and this morning I received lots of text from my friends... they were all worried about me TuT
uwaah... tears of joy flowed through my eyes... I really felt glad!
ee.. and my friends online gave inspiring words too...
aww... I'm stil lucky I have my friends! :D
ee... what more?
today I went outside to comfort myself...
I still feel the bad luck within...

ok so til here! nytie nyt!

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