Friday, November 13, 2009

1st week of school aftermath


<-- weak but happy!

woah! The first week of school is... well... ordinary... aheheh ^^
We did meet our profs, except for one subject..
Well I guess classes will be in serious state starting next week
So I better read some notes ^^
Today, I'm home alone
My mom and my lil bro went to play bingo at the mall
and my dad and sis went to Manila...
It's really boring, so I'm here surfing and reading manga
And I had organized my tinierme account... aheheh
gonna post some links and pics later
For the mean time..........................
uwah! Me has a flu!!! T^T
I feel soooo weak! And I've been sleeping much... -_-...
Hm... oh by the way, I haven't posted yesterday and the other day... ahehhe
Sorry about that -_-...
But anyways, in those two days, me and my knight had been together
After we went to visit Marianne on the hospital, we walked together on my way home
(coz I wanna go home to eat lunch)
But then he asked me if I wanted to go to someplace...
Yup! I don't think it's a date but, on the other day, we visited our high school school (get it?)
ee... I told you that we went to the same school when we were in high school right?
And he ask me if I wanted to go and visit it... and yes I agree immediately... :D
hmm... That school had a lot of changes since I last visited it
Like, there were lots of improvements...
I haven't taken a photo... ehehe... I forgot... sorry! ^^;
Well anyway, uwah... even though I think it's not a date, I actually feel like it's one :)
We talked to our 2nd year teacher in history...
I had a feeling that she didn't know me anymore... but that doesn't matter XP
After that, my knight treat me with fries and OwO *blushes
And we've been talking about things... ee...
I'm not good at talking so he's the one who always talks... ^_^
Yay! I feel sooo happy! TuT
Being with the person who really cares for you... Being just by his side... I feel totally safe :D
And happy deep inside (ee... I am a person who doesn't show her feelings)
hmm... what more... -_-...
And yesterday, My classmates have been wondering if the two of us are dating
And they've been asking me if we had a relationship
ee... I hate it when they're asking those things -_-..
Coz I blush a lot and they've been picking on me O_o
And they read his text messages from my cellphone
I don't want them to read those but, they are really on to it so I guess it's oukei (?)
And whenever they bully me and ask those things in front of my knight,
I feel so shy and I always keep my distance from him -_-...
ee... oh, about the relationship thing, no, he's not my bf yet (yet?)
coz I'm still not sure if I feel LOVE
But I do like him....
(LIKE is different from LOVE)
hmm... And I want to know him more first... aheheh ^^
The worst thing that happened yesterday was when my friend, Glecy, told me something
She ask me a question like, who should I choose, them (my friends) or my knight?
I don't want to answer questions like those coz I feel those questions are silly
Silly in the fact that those questions are not meant to be answers nor questioned -_-...
She said that I should distance myself from my knight
And she also said that Prince is better than my Knight...
and deep inside I totally disagree :(
I told her that I want to believe from what I see, and from my point of view
And from my feelings of course
But I also said that I am considering what she said
So that she wouldn't get angry at me... ^^
Ee... I'm also considering the past, my experiences and thoughts...
I don't want to make another mistake
So I'm looking at different angles..
Ee... Yes I am confused right now... I even cried last night
It's really hard to decide on something so serious
And there are lots of hindrances to start with
like, my friends are saying things against him
And my mom will totally disagree if I tell her :(
Uwah... I don't know what to do!!!
But for now, I think I'll just enjoy being with him :)
And set aside those problems
hmm... Do you think, this feelings will last... forever?

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