Saturday, November 21, 2009

saturday... just an ordinary saturday

<-- Neutral orz

Hi there! *waves
ee... I haven't posted anything again yesterday... aheheh gome neh ^^
I've been playing pinball on gaia and it's so time consuming! O_O
ahehhe... my time is up yesterday so I decided not to write something here...
but now I'm going to write what happened yesterday ^^
hmm... It's just an ordinary friday...
Our subject multimedia is about photoshop
and I'm kinda pro(?) to that so I don't have any problems n_n
and my classmates are asking me things...
how to do that and how to do this
hahah! It's a good thing if you have an advantage to some people :D
And if you have knowledge that they don't have lol XD
It's so fun that time! We were laughing coz we were editing each others pics XD
ahahah! and after school... woah! my knight walked me home... half way home :D
aww... that's so sweet of him n_n
and I was really nervous that time... and I'm shy to talk
But still we've been telling things to each other... like this and that... ahahah!
hmm... today I've been sleeping all day O_O
and we've been texting each other, my knight and me
ahahah! He's watching 2012 right now n_n
and I'm searching for photoshop tutz... for me to earn more knowledge eheh X3
okie so til here!
My time is almost up!

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