Thursday, November 5, 2009

woah! a subbie in deviantart and some updates!

<-- Overjoy

yay! I was really shocked! O_o
My friend in deviantart, Snaaaake, gave me a 3 month subbie! :D yay! XD
I'm really really really happy right now!!! wowowow!!! XDDD
And he said that he wanted to commission me! errr... oh... I already wrote this... aheheh ^^;
Well anyway, now, I'm a full-pledged (what?) scholar now! as in... FULL SCHOLAR! University scholar! NO MORE TUITION FEES! yay! O(^-^)o
Weeehhh!!! and then today, I went to school for my other scholarship... and I was sooo happy I found out that it is legal (eh?) to have 2 scholarships... yesh! yay!!! XD
hmmm... today I also helped my classmates to apply to those scholarships... ee... now I have companions! TuT
and... I also got to see my secret crush... and I also helped him to apply for scholarship... TuT
uwaaahhh! I'm overjoyed! :D
hmmm... Wanna know who my secret crush is? hmm... I wrote his name on the previous entry... ee... XD
Let's just call him 'Knight'... coz he is my knight in shining armor :D
I'll tell you why I call him knight... some time... eheheh n_n
ok back to the topic... well, today, me and my bestfriend, Marianne, ate at KFC today... again... just like yesterday... n_n
coz we saw our friend, Krizzia, today... She treat us! eheheh... like, we receive P25.00 from her... aww... n_n
ee... I really miss her badly... T^T
hmm... What more...?
oh... Marianne also bought a dvd of the latest episodes of Naruto Shippuden and I'm going to borrow it next week! yayz! O(^-^)o
hmmm... and my Knight walked with me home... err... until I ride a tricycle... n_n
and.. woah! almost forgot... It's my mom's birthday today! :D
She's 43 years old now! eheheh n_n
and my gift for her? a pair of slippers! eheheh ^^"
It's really cheap... but she liked it anyway :D
so til here! gotta go!
take care!
Bye-bee!!! XD

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