Wednesday, November 11, 2009

bad luck + bad news + pissed off

Bad mood and totally pissed off

Buhuu! I'm sooooo totally angry an pissed off today! >:-O
coz... I feel sooo unlucky... uhuhu.... T^T
First... my bestfriend, Marianne, is confined in the hospital... since yesterday.... -__-...
It's still unknown whether she has 'dengue' or 'typhoid fever'
and she can't come to school... nobody knows how long it will take...
So I feel so alone... and I miss her so much! >_<
hmmm... and today, I thought I was late for our first subject which is CISCO...
that subject is from 7am to 12nn, and If I didn't attend that class... that would be a big regret -_-...
and guess what? our prof there didn't arrive at all!
We were like waiting there for 1 and a half hour... arghhh... >=<
So after a long wait, we decided to leave and visit Marianne at the hospital...
ee... we were so many we got scolded by the guard and the doctor :P
and... hmm... Krizzia alsocame to visit
and that afternoon, we didn't have class (again) on our Math9 subject... grrrr....
I was really expecting that I will meet our ex-Dean... our prof in that subject -_-...
ee.... and my 'Knight' was not around.. I didn't see him this morning and I thought he was absent....
I realize that I felt weak and down coz I didn't see my best riend and my knight today
but thank goodness he came for our last subject.... TuT
uwah... ahahaha! I feel so weird today... specially that feeling...
the feeling of not seeing someone... and missing that person...
I really feel incomplete without them T^T
ee... and then the thing that made my mood bad...
is that... our report for tomorrow is cancelled! #^%$##(adagmoe
argh... I'm soooooooo pissed off!!!
I did research for that report... and I didn't sleep well....
and we got scolded at the library becoz o that...
and then, we found our that our Prof in that subject will be replaced by another!!! ee!!! >:-O
uwah!!! after that I was in a bad mood and I don't want anyone to see me...
so instead of going home... I went to somewhere and run! rn and run as fast as I can to calm myself down -_-....
and now I am writing this in a net cafe... and the mouse pisses me off too...
and the keyboard... ee... like I was typing in a typewriter...
arrghh.... useless PC should be thrown away!!! XC
ok so til here... I wanna go home and sleep....
bye for now

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