Thursday, November 26, 2009

2012 movie + uber happy :D

<-- Suuuper Happy~!

Hiyah there~!

Yay! yesh! I'm uber and super happy yesterday! yayz! XD
Let me tell you what happened yesterday n_n
My friends, Bart and Marianne, asked to watch a movie together
And Bart will treat us... aheheh n_n
hmm... He wanted to watch 'New moon'
but Marianne and I don't like that... we want to watch '2012'
But at 3pm we have a graduation to attend
and there they will award our scholarship sponsor, Mr. Amado K. Go
so we plan to watch at 5pm...
hmm... so first, We went to school to attend the awarding
and yayz! Me saw my knight again (coz we are both scholars)
hmm... Bart asked me to convince my knight to come with us and watch the movie
I thought we'll never convince him
coz I thought he don't like those stuffs... and it's just a waste of money on the first place
hmm... So the one who asked him was Bart, coz I was shy orz
And, you know what he said?
hmm... I think he said was something like, he doesn't have money... -_-...
aheheh... yeah I expect that lol XD
But deep inside I want him to come along
Coz it will be my first time to watch a movie in a theatre... after like 10 years
The last time I watched a movie inside a cinema was when I was in grade 1 (?)
ok so continue...
We went together to the awarding
And after that, I bid goodbye to him coz we're going to watch the movie
And he didn't say a thing and just nod -_-...
Yesh, I was quite sad that time, coz like I said, I want to watch a movie with him
But then after a few minutes, we bought snacks and went inside the theatre
I was still sad that time... But just thought of watching a movie with my friends was also great
But then, someone texted me
and it was him, asking where were we
and I replied in a hurry telling him where we were
I didn't expect that he'll come over to watch too
and I was... nervous... at the same time... shocked
I was touched! I was sooo happy that time
The fact that, he already saw that movie but still, He come along just to watch with me :)
That's really sweet of him X3
And I was really happy when I saw him and sit beside me
It was really dark inside there so he didn't see me blushed (thank goodness)
uwaahh.... I feel so... ee... super happy!
We don't have something to eat so he asked me if I want something to eat
But becoz the movie was starting, he said that he'll buy the snacks
But I followed him coz I want to accompany him... ahahah!
And I want to ask him why did he come? even though he already saw the movie
Instead of answering, he just said that, don't you like that... something like...
He ask me if I don't like to watch with him
ee... and I answered... It's not like that...
I mean, I really want to watch with him
I want to tell him how happy I was he come that time
But I'm to shy to say it!
I hope he felt the happiness within my actions that time
And we bought snacks together at the grocery :D
ahahah! After the movie, He walked with me home
ee... Those moments were sooo special!
It's like, our first time watching a movie together XD
uwahahaah! The mood was sooo romantic! ahihihi *giggles
I hope something like that will happen again in the future n_n
I want to make more memories with him :D

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