Friday, November 6, 2009

about 'Knight'


uwahahah! yayz! XD
I'm posting something about Knight! 8D
oukei I'll tell you our story >_<
Yesh... from the very start! OwO
hmm... We've been classmates since 1st year high school...
and that time, he was our topnotcher
hmm... and he was promoted and got into the 1st section (we were in the 2nd section that time)
I really envy him that time... coz he got promoted... I wanted to be in the first section soo badly >.<
I didn't know that you can be promoted when you got into the 1st to 3rd place in class...
so I did my best in second year, and I really study hard...
Soon, my hardwork paid off
I was 3rd place in second year and I got into the first section 8D
hmm... 3rd year we became classmates again
but we're not really close that time.. and even when we're still 1st year -_-...
On our 4th year in high school, I went down into the second section again and he's on the 4th O_o
I think it's becoz of 'that' problem... I'm not telling anymore.. eeheh ^^;
But it's not that big problem... or maybe just a medium problem...
Hint? It's about a newspaper they wrote... and about our teachers that time O_o
Hm... and then College!
We became classmates again coz we're in the same course n_n
uwahahah! but still, we're not close that time...
It was until our second year in college...
He started saying 'things' to me... like jokes... etc. -_-...
He was just joking around and I know that... And I just ride along his jokes... wahahah! XD
But then in our 3rd year, we becaome a little closer to each other
We became groupmates in various subjects and activities
and we were like... always together XD
hw always help me when I have problems... and when I'm alone
the most unforgetable moment was when we had a seminar in SM Baliuag, Bulacan
On our way home, I was a bit depressed coz I didn't bought any souvenirs (only chocolates..)
and then at the bus, my friend, Glecy, gave me something
It was a cellphone... uhm... cloth (huh?) something... what do you call that again?
and it has a Naruto design -_-... (sorry for the english)
I was really happy coz I receive something! T^T
and then Glecy said it was not from her... but from my knight
I was really surprise he gave me something O_o
And on our way home... I was sooo sick becoz of the bus
and I my knight is worried about me...
He sat beside me and told me I can sleep at his shoulders...
uwaahhh... It was really romantic that time (even though I feel sick and fell asleep -_-..)
It really feels warm when someone cares for you TuT
I wanted to stop time that time...
ahahah! and then after that he started texting me
and when he went to SM NorthEdsa
and came back, he gave me a gaara keychain and a poster of hitman reborn OwO
hahha! He really know what I want! XD
but as a consequence he asked me to teach him in CISCO
We were waiting for our classmates that time, and we chat a bit
He really gave me inspiring words... like when I don't want to join the chess team in our college coz I'm not really good at chess
and he said that I should join becoz some others join even though they are not really good at what they were doing
I was inspired so next year I'll join the chess team for intrams n_n
He inspire me alot... and made me change
He didn't know that I'm always looking at him and looked up on him
becoz I can see things on him that I didn't have
more likely, the attitudes that I don't have
He is responsible and hardworking
He is smart
He's not shy
He's not looking for a good face
He's sweet and kind
He doesn't say bad words (I think)
He's a religious person
He's a gentleman
He's not selfish
He's friendly
and most of all, He cares for me alot
things and attitudes that I lack
Sometimes I think, do I deserve him?
eheheh... I want to be like him
and I look up on him n_n
*sigh... ahahah! I don't know if this is really love... or just a crush... -_-"
and I don't know if, he is still joking around
uwahh... I'm confused!
but sometimes... I really miss him... so much...
and when he's beside me.. I get really nervous... and blush alot.... OwO
aheheh... hmm.. but sometimes I think... that he is just like Prince (the one who made me trust him but in the end betrays me... yes his true name is prince... but let just call him that -_-)
but as time flies... the more I know him (my knight)... the more I feel... like... my heart beats fast... I c an't explain -_-...
When he's around and when he's near me... and when I think of him... My heart beats sooo fast it really hurts...
ee... yesh.. I prefer a 'knight in shining armor' than a 'prince charming' n_n
coz a prince just rely on his looks and on his soldiers...
in reality he's nothing but a pony... a sore loser and a coward... (bwhahahah) >:-)
but a knight... he can save you... he's willing to risk his life and he is a responsible person
he may not be rich, but he can give you his love and care... aww... ^w^
ahahah! so, til here
but our story... or his story here... will not end.. here.... (what?!)
our story is meant to be continued...
yesh... meant to be.... n_n
I hope so... -_-...

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