Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A change of heart

<-- Depressed
Hey blog...
I just realize something...
I'm being too immature
I can't keep my words, and I'm a sore loser
I'm sooo confused right now
It's becoz of my feelings for my knight
I've been thinking a lot... I can't focus on my studies becoz of this stupid feeling
I just cried a while ago... without anyone noticing
Did I already told you that I don't want others to see my weakness?
And yes, my weakness is this feeling
I'm sensitive... and I easily cry even if the reason is low
I cried coz... I think I've been taken for granted
I feel like, my knight is taking me for granted
I don't want to think about it but, I just can't get that out of my mind
He is a very busy person and I know that
I want to understand that but I can't
I think the problem is within me
I feel so lonely... I thought he was the person who will understand me even if I don't say a thing
But, I'm being too childish... I always think about myself
Yes I am selfish... I want somebody to understand that
I am spoiled... I want someone to spoil me more
But it's all wrong... I've been thinking too much about myself
I keep on saying that "I'll mature" and all...
Bah! I want to change so badly! :(
But I think in order to change... the only way for me to change
is to do things right... even though I know it's going to hurt in the start
I've been thinking about so many things
And now I finally made my decision
It will vary according to the situations that will happen
and the things that I'll be hearing
I'll made up my mind... and I need a week in order to decide
I know it's going to be hard, but I wish I won't regret anything in the end
at the end of this week, I'll have my final decision
And I'll say it whatever happens...
So, wish me luck!

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