Saturday, November 21, 2009

nothing much,,,

<-- Neutral

Today is Sunday... and the start of another week ^^
This week will be the foundation week of our university... yay! O(^-^)o
ahaha! Yeah I'm not going to school... I have plenty of things to do
I'll only visit the school on tuesday... coz we will be getting our stipend lol XD
hmm... Oh yeah, I've been practicing photoshop :D
I really did learn something new
And I've been experimenting... ahahah! XD
My model is my pet puppy, Chimpay
ahahah! I did tell you that I'll post some of her pics right?
Well, here's the output of what I made:

ee... yay! I made this for 1 and a half hour... :D
teeheehee~! Kawaii desu!!! XD

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