Tuesday, November 24, 2009

stipend + me and Knight :D

<-- Flattered and touched... Happy!

ee... so I'm going to post the 'what happened yesterday' again...
coz I haven't posted it yesterday hehe gome ^^;
so... hmm... yesterday we got our stipend from Mr. Amado K. Go
uwahahah! P2000 + a tshirt and a calendar... lololol XD
and he said he's going to run as mayor next election, so I'll vote him :D
hmm... My parents are planning to buy me a laptop! yayz! XD
Yesterday my knight helped me window shopping for my laptop... ahihihi
aww... He's sooo sweet! *blushes
We went to different places to ask about err 2nd hand laptops
coz my budget is only 10k and below orz
hmm... woah! We walked like, 3 km or less?
hmm... But it was really fun!
Even though I'm shy and don't talk much and all, it was really great :D
I said that I was nervous that time coz he's with me but he always encourage me n_n
hmm... I was the one who got tired first... and he treated me again 8D
ee... oh by the way, he gave me a chocolate! XD
Dark chocolate toblerone! yayayay! XDDD
ahahah! woah I really like the taste of that! tee hee!
hmm... what more... ee... we've been texting each other
But sadly this is the last time I'll load my cp coz I'm really earning money for my laptop otl
*sigh... and I need to study hard... I won't let this as a hindrance to my dreams of course
and I need to balance things or else my place in our class will be taken away from me eheh
so, what happened today? nothing much I guess
I'm just here home and as usual, bored
but tomorrow I'll go to school again to attend a... meeting or something like that n_n
and I'll see my knight again tee hee~!
woah! I hope tomorrow's another great day!

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