Monday, November 16, 2009

A boring Monday


<-- Bored
Do you ever feel that, you've been expecting someone to come to your house all of a sudden?
Do you ever feel that, you've been waiting for someone to surprise you with a visit?
and do you ever feel sooo bored that you've been expecting things but, it will never happen?
That's what I feel today...
Hmm... an odd feeling I guess but, I really thought someone would come today...
surprise me with a surprise visit...
ee... yesh... I've been expecting a lot...
even though there's no reason I guess
I feel sooo totally lonely today!!! :(
I want to talk to someone...
Hmm... you know, I'm missing someone
Who? you know who!
I've been writing about him here for a while...
Yesh... My knight... I've been missing him -_-...
I don't know why but, that's what I feel
And I want to see him now... I've been expecting that he'll come even without a reason but...
my expectations are all imaginations... -_-...
*sigh... I really thought that anime scenes can come to life
Like, destiny, coincidences and such things
But... waahhh!! I'm being too immature!
And last night I've been thinking of too many things
Becoz of that, I realized something
that I should be who I am starting tomorrow
And I should learn things for my own... uhm... for my success... i think (huh?!)
wah! I feel so wierd today!
I just want to write what I want to write! >:(
hmm... and I realized that, someone is taking me for granted
yesh... my knight is taking me for granted
that's what I think!
I want to ask him, Why does he like me? (if he ever does)
We've known each other ever since high school
And he really doesn't notice me up until now
So, why now... why does he like me now?!
What's his reason for liking me?
ugh... I'm confused...
This feeling sucks... I can't tell anyone but I wanna tell someone
I'm sick of solving problems on my own
I'm sick of being not true to myself
I'm sick of being manipulated all the time
I hate changing... but I really want to change!
I wanna change now
For the good I guess
ee... I feel sooo bored I'm writing all this junk silly stuffs
ok so enough with the weird things orz.....
I know I've been thinking too much coz I'm bored otl
BTW, I've been studying hard last night
reading notes etc
and this afternoon I prepare my own lunch
ee... yesh... I cook my own food
I wanna learn things like cooking and laundry
coz I think I'm becoming too spoiled and dependent
and I want to throw away my pride
So I'm gaining my confidence and I want to show my true self
I want to become mature
I don't want to be stucked-up anymore
I know, if I become true to myself, I will lost some things
like friends and such
but I know some people will remain
my family and true friends
*sigh... so now, I will change
for the better of course
I want to show them the true me
And I want to throw away the things I hate
So, this is what I can write when I'm bored huh?
Sorry for the randomness
coz I'm really expecting someone to visit me home now
even without a reason
but... uwah... he didn't came so I feel down
so til here... bye now! n_n

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