Thursday, November 19, 2009

True Feelings (for yesterday and today)

<-- Uncertain

Hi there ^^
Hey how are ya? aheheh X3
hmm... Yesterday, there's no internet connection so I haven't post something heheh sorry :P
hmm... What happened yesterday? It's quite complicated
You see, the other day I was sooo confused about my feelings for my knight
And I've been bad at him
I made his mood... uhm... sad?
(english grammar on the worse mood again eheh)
Becoz... I just can't decide on my feelings so I'm pushing him away from me
And I wasn't talking to him and all
Yesh I know I'm hurting myself that time
But that time I also think it's for the best
After school, he asked me to go to the library with him
but then I refuse and made excuses
After that, I went to the library after all
To photocopy some books for our report
I was hurrying coz I don't want him to see me
But when I went out the library, I was shocked to see him waiting
He was sad... And I didn't see him smile
So I have no other choice but to talk to him
And put on my fake smile
Yesh... that's what I always do...
To hide my feelings, I always put a fake smile
But then after that, I returned the books alone
Yes I was really hurt that time, and he's hurt either
I always think it's for the best
Becoz I know he is a really busy person
And I don't want to be a hindrance
But then I realized that, that's not the real reason
I've been faking my feelings
I always say lies to myself
the true reason is that, I want him to be always with me... ALWAYS
I want him to prioritize me more than anything and anyone else
But that's too much selfishness right?
I know it's a bad thing but,
that's what I really feel
And I don't want to fake my feelings anymore...
And yesterday he texted me saying he was sad
He noticed my intention
I said to myself that I will not reply to that message
But after a few self-assessment
I've been faking my feelings that it really hurts
I realize that, I am worried
I want to cheer him up
I want to understand
I want to convey my feelings
I don't want to lose such important person
And so that night then I say weird things to him
Telling him my true feelings
And we've been cherring each other becoz we will be reporting the other day
I feel so happy coz I feel like he is with me...
even though we're not together that time
And today... I was soo relieved to see him smiling again
Yesh... I really love seeing his smile
I really really like it...
Whenever he smiles, it's like I wanna smile too :)
ahaha! what a weird feeling XD
I am imagining it now... ahahah! :D
hmm... and then the reporting starts
I was the one who talked first
And thank goodness I passed the report! *phew
But the worst scenario happened
He wasn't able to pass the report
coz... coz of... he was really... I think nervous and he didn't answer the question on his report
I feel pity on him
Coz he really prepare for it...
And I saw his hard work
Yes I know he is a responsible person
And I know he can overcome it
But still I want to cheer him up that time
But I really lack the things to say
I don't know how to comfort someone
He always comfort me
I am always inspired with the things he say
I thought it was my turn that time
He was on his worst mood
But I... I can't... come to him
I want to but my lack of self confidence had became a barrier
I was too shy... too shy to come to him
ugh! I hate myself
I can't do things right!
I always worsen the mood of the important people around me
I tried to talked to him... many times
But I always fail
I can't get the words that I want to say
I really really really want to cheer him up... really!
He was always by my side
I want to be by his side too
I want to be, the closest person to him
But I can't do it!!
I hate it!
but after that, After our last subject for the day, I gained my confidence
I hold on to his shirt and grab him and take him to somewhere (at the back of our room)
And I apologized for what happened
I told him half my feelings... coz I was really shy!
And he said that he's fine
I was relieved
I just don't want him to get mad at me
And then after that, I just realized what I did
uwah! I feel so ashamed
Grabbing him on his shirt all of a sudden
and telling him things without looking at his eyes
I feel like a total weirdo
It's like I was a yankee O_O
It's a really wierd scene... It's not like a true apologizing scene after all
(it looks more like I was threatening him otl)
ee... I feel so strange!!!
But Marianne said that it's more like a scene from an anime
ahahah! that made me laugh lol
uwah... do you think... He got mad?
But I saw him laughing! ee... X3
yesh it's more like a comedy rather than a romance scene orz -_-...
Sigh... waaahhh!!! now I can't show my face to him
I'll blush and I think my nose will bleed O_O
ehehe... does he think I'm weird???
ee... But after what happened today... and after a few chats with Marianne
(about feelings and such)
I realized that... I'm starting to like him... more and more...
It's turning to an unusual feeling
like... more that LIKE...
I don't know...
w-what should I do???
ee... I don't know if I should let this feeling go... or let it stay
I'm still confused on what to do
But now I really know what I feel
I hope I'll not get hurt again...

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