Tuesday, December 1, 2009

overcoming my fear ^^

<-- a bit hurt and fearless orz

yoh! aheh... I haven't post for 3 days.... ee... :P
well anyway, I'll just write those important events whatsoever
hmm... Saturday my knight ask me to go jogging with him
He said he'll come to our house at 5:30am
hmm... And I said, yeah sure... aheheh XD
but my mom... after I told her that, didn't want me to go
well at first she said I can go... But she's limiting me
Like, I can only go jogging our our subdivision only...
So I thought they didn't trusted me, and I was sooo mad I decided to not go
And we had a small argue about that
And I didn't talked to her like for a day
Sunday... hmm... nothing happened much
It's just an ordinary Sunday
I'm just home sleeping and all
And I was really quiet at home coz of what happened
Our puppy, Chimpay, is growing big now! OwO
woah! She's so hyper! ahahaha! XD
And yesterday I keep playing with her :D
Hmmm... So now, school starts again today
yeah... I saw my knight... but we were both busy with our subjects...
So we didn't talk alot
And I was avoiding him for some reason
Wanna know my reason?
hmm... I don't know... coz I was too shy I think
and I was going to ask him something but I'm not ready
And I noticed that he doesn't want to talk to me anyway -_-...
hmm... After lunch, our subject was Automata theory
And I noticed that he's not around yet
so I thought he was absent
Yeah I was worried... I don't know why
But after a few minutes (like 30 minutes), he came
ee... but the worst part is, hmm... should I really write this?
Ok well this is a secret diary anyway so I'm going to write it
That time when he came, he sat beside Nimfa
Nimfa is the girl he liked before me... I think
And my classmates were like... Aiiiiiiiii~!
you know, they link them together
And you know what I felt?
I felt... ouch... that hurts
Even though I was smiling that time,
And even though I was looking at them and teasing them too,
Deep inside, I was hurt
Yep! Hurt sooo much T^T
But what can I do? I don't want them to see my weakness
And my friends, who knew that I like him, looked at me
I don't know what they were thinking but I think they want to see my reaction about that
But it's really ok... I know it was just a joke
So... Don't mind don't mind! n_n
woah I'm faking again
hmm... ok so after school, because we were waiting for our certificates to be signed,
we were at school til 6:15pm
Me, my knight and 2 of my classmates
but after that we decided to go home and let our prof sign tomorrow
hmm... My knight wanted to walk me home
But I refuse, I said it's ok... he should go to where he should be going that time
And then after saying this and that, I finally convinced him
He thought I was pushing him away
But for me, I was just concerned becoz I don't want him to worry about me so much
I think I'm becoming a bother
He can't concentrate on what he should be doing
And the more important things... I think
But, is it just me?
Or is it me that was having those problems? :(
ee... So I went home alone... Walk home alone
on my way home, it was really dark
And I wish he was with me
I wish he followed me
But no... I was really alone and I just thought, I can overcome this
Yesh I am afraid on walking on the dark... alone... and it's really cold
And it's a long way home
But I have to be brave... or else I can't go home
Yesh I was really really really afraid
I was walking really fast
And there were few tricycles and there were no light posts... T-T
ee... I was like, on a courage test that time
I was just thinking of nice stuffs
But my eyes keep on looking around
uwaah... and you know, midway I was like running coz I was really afraid
But after that I realized that, I did it!
I overcome my fear! yayz! :D
I realized that, I can still do things alone
and I can overcome my fears if I try
So I'm going to try it again
No, not walking in the dark again but, in another way
I want to overcome my greatest fear... my shyness
So ok til here!
2 weeks and it will be christmas vacation! yayz! 8D

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