Thursday, November 26, 2009

2012 movie + uber happy :D

<-- Suuuper Happy~!

Hiyah there~!

Yay! yesh! I'm uber and super happy yesterday! yayz! XD
Let me tell you what happened yesterday n_n
My friends, Bart and Marianne, asked to watch a movie together
And Bart will treat us... aheheh n_n
hmm... He wanted to watch 'New moon'
but Marianne and I don't like that... we want to watch '2012'
But at 3pm we have a graduation to attend
and there they will award our scholarship sponsor, Mr. Amado K. Go
so we plan to watch at 5pm...
hmm... so first, We went to school to attend the awarding
and yayz! Me saw my knight again (coz we are both scholars)
hmm... Bart asked me to convince my knight to come with us and watch the movie
I thought we'll never convince him
coz I thought he don't like those stuffs... and it's just a waste of money on the first place
hmm... So the one who asked him was Bart, coz I was shy orz
And, you know what he said?
hmm... I think he said was something like, he doesn't have money... -_-...
aheheh... yeah I expect that lol XD
But deep inside I want him to come along
Coz it will be my first time to watch a movie in a theatre... after like 10 years
The last time I watched a movie inside a cinema was when I was in grade 1 (?)
ok so continue...
We went together to the awarding
And after that, I bid goodbye to him coz we're going to watch the movie
And he didn't say a thing and just nod -_-...
Yesh, I was quite sad that time, coz like I said, I want to watch a movie with him
But then after a few minutes, we bought snacks and went inside the theatre
I was still sad that time... But just thought of watching a movie with my friends was also great
But then, someone texted me
and it was him, asking where were we
and I replied in a hurry telling him where we were
I didn't expect that he'll come over to watch too
and I was... nervous... at the same time... shocked
I was touched! I was sooo happy that time
The fact that, he already saw that movie but still, He come along just to watch with me :)
That's really sweet of him X3
And I was really happy when I saw him and sit beside me
It was really dark inside there so he didn't see me blushed (thank goodness)
uwaahh.... I feel so... ee... super happy!
We don't have something to eat so he asked me if I want something to eat
But becoz the movie was starting, he said that he'll buy the snacks
But I followed him coz I want to accompany him... ahahah!
And I want to ask him why did he come? even though he already saw the movie
Instead of answering, he just said that, don't you like that... something like...
He ask me if I don't like to watch with him
ee... and I answered... It's not like that...
I mean, I really want to watch with him
I want to tell him how happy I was he come that time
But I'm to shy to say it!
I hope he felt the happiness within my actions that time
And we bought snacks together at the grocery :D
ahahah! After the movie, He walked with me home
ee... Those moments were sooo special!
It's like, our first time watching a movie together XD
uwahahaah! The mood was sooo romantic! ahihihi *giggles
I hope something like that will happen again in the future n_n
I want to make more memories with him :D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

stipend + me and Knight :D

<-- Flattered and touched... Happy!

ee... so I'm going to post the 'what happened yesterday' again...
coz I haven't posted it yesterday hehe gome ^^;
so... hmm... yesterday we got our stipend from Mr. Amado K. Go
uwahahah! P2000 + a tshirt and a calendar... lololol XD
and he said he's going to run as mayor next election, so I'll vote him :D
hmm... My parents are planning to buy me a laptop! yayz! XD
Yesterday my knight helped me window shopping for my laptop... ahihihi
aww... He's sooo sweet! *blushes
We went to different places to ask about err 2nd hand laptops
coz my budget is only 10k and below orz
hmm... woah! We walked like, 3 km or less?
hmm... But it was really fun!
Even though I'm shy and don't talk much and all, it was really great :D
I said that I was nervous that time coz he's with me but he always encourage me n_n
hmm... I was the one who got tired first... and he treated me again 8D
ee... oh by the way, he gave me a chocolate! XD
Dark chocolate toblerone! yayayay! XDDD
ahahah! woah I really like the taste of that! tee hee!
hmm... what more... ee... we've been texting each other
But sadly this is the last time I'll load my cp coz I'm really earning money for my laptop otl
*sigh... and I need to study hard... I won't let this as a hindrance to my dreams of course
and I need to balance things or else my place in our class will be taken away from me eheh
so, what happened today? nothing much I guess
I'm just here home and as usual, bored
but tomorrow I'll go to school again to attend a... meeting or something like that n_n
and I'll see my knight again tee hee~!
woah! I hope tomorrow's another great day!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

nothing much,,,

<-- Neutral

Today is Sunday... and the start of another week ^^
This week will be the foundation week of our university... yay! O(^-^)o
ahaha! Yeah I'm not going to school... I have plenty of things to do
I'll only visit the school on tuesday... coz we will be getting our stipend lol XD
hmm... Oh yeah, I've been practicing photoshop :D
I really did learn something new
And I've been experimenting... ahahah! XD
My model is my pet puppy, Chimpay
ahahah! I did tell you that I'll post some of her pics right?
Well, here's the output of what I made:

ee... yay! I made this for 1 and a half hour... :D
teeheehee~! Kawaii desu!!! XD

saturday... just an ordinary saturday

<-- Neutral orz

Hi there! *waves
ee... I haven't posted anything again yesterday... aheheh gome neh ^^
I've been playing pinball on gaia and it's so time consuming! O_O
ahehhe... my time is up yesterday so I decided not to write something here...
but now I'm going to write what happened yesterday ^^
hmm... It's just an ordinary friday...
Our subject multimedia is about photoshop
and I'm kinda pro(?) to that so I don't have any problems n_n
and my classmates are asking me things...
how to do that and how to do this
hahah! It's a good thing if you have an advantage to some people :D
And if you have knowledge that they don't have lol XD
It's so fun that time! We were laughing coz we were editing each others pics XD
ahahah! and after school... woah! my knight walked me home... half way home :D
aww... that's so sweet of him n_n
and I was really nervous that time... and I'm shy to talk
But still we've been telling things to each other... like this and that... ahahah!
hmm... today I've been sleeping all day O_O
and we've been texting each other, my knight and me
ahahah! He's watching 2012 right now n_n
and I'm searching for photoshop tutz... for me to earn more knowledge eheh X3
okie so til here!
My time is almost up!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

True Feelings (for yesterday and today)

<-- Uncertain

Hi there ^^
Hey how are ya? aheheh X3
hmm... Yesterday, there's no internet connection so I haven't post something heheh sorry :P
hmm... What happened yesterday? It's quite complicated
You see, the other day I was sooo confused about my feelings for my knight
And I've been bad at him
I made his mood... uhm... sad?
(english grammar on the worse mood again eheh)
Becoz... I just can't decide on my feelings so I'm pushing him away from me
And I wasn't talking to him and all
Yesh I know I'm hurting myself that time
But that time I also think it's for the best
After school, he asked me to go to the library with him
but then I refuse and made excuses
After that, I went to the library after all
To photocopy some books for our report
I was hurrying coz I don't want him to see me
But when I went out the library, I was shocked to see him waiting
He was sad... And I didn't see him smile
So I have no other choice but to talk to him
And put on my fake smile
Yesh... that's what I always do...
To hide my feelings, I always put a fake smile
But then after that, I returned the books alone
Yes I was really hurt that time, and he's hurt either
I always think it's for the best
Becoz I know he is a really busy person
And I don't want to be a hindrance
But then I realized that, that's not the real reason
I've been faking my feelings
I always say lies to myself
the true reason is that, I want him to be always with me... ALWAYS
I want him to prioritize me more than anything and anyone else
But that's too much selfishness right?
I know it's a bad thing but,
that's what I really feel
And I don't want to fake my feelings anymore...
And yesterday he texted me saying he was sad
He noticed my intention
I said to myself that I will not reply to that message
But after a few self-assessment
I've been faking my feelings that it really hurts
I realize that, I am worried
I want to cheer him up
I want to understand
I want to convey my feelings
I don't want to lose such important person
And so that night then I say weird things to him
Telling him my true feelings
And we've been cherring each other becoz we will be reporting the other day
I feel so happy coz I feel like he is with me...
even though we're not together that time
And today... I was soo relieved to see him smiling again
Yesh... I really love seeing his smile
I really really like it...
Whenever he smiles, it's like I wanna smile too :)
ahaha! what a weird feeling XD
I am imagining it now... ahahah! :D
hmm... and then the reporting starts
I was the one who talked first
And thank goodness I passed the report! *phew
But the worst scenario happened
He wasn't able to pass the report
coz... coz of... he was really... I think nervous and he didn't answer the question on his report
I feel pity on him
Coz he really prepare for it...
And I saw his hard work
Yes I know he is a responsible person
And I know he can overcome it
But still I want to cheer him up that time
But I really lack the things to say
I don't know how to comfort someone
He always comfort me
I am always inspired with the things he say
I thought it was my turn that time
He was on his worst mood
But I... I can't... come to him
I want to but my lack of self confidence had became a barrier
I was too shy... too shy to come to him
ugh! I hate myself
I can't do things right!
I always worsen the mood of the important people around me
I tried to talked to him... many times
But I always fail
I can't get the words that I want to say
I really really really want to cheer him up... really!
He was always by my side
I want to be by his side too
I want to be, the closest person to him
But I can't do it!!
I hate it!
but after that, After our last subject for the day, I gained my confidence
I hold on to his shirt and grab him and take him to somewhere (at the back of our room)
And I apologized for what happened
I told him half my feelings... coz I was really shy!
And he said that he's fine
I was relieved
I just don't want him to get mad at me
And then after that, I just realized what I did
uwah! I feel so ashamed
Grabbing him on his shirt all of a sudden
and telling him things without looking at his eyes
I feel like a total weirdo
It's like I was a yankee O_O
It's a really wierd scene... It's not like a true apologizing scene after all
(it looks more like I was threatening him otl)
ee... I feel so strange!!!
But Marianne said that it's more like a scene from an anime
ahahah! that made me laugh lol
uwah... do you think... He got mad?
But I saw him laughing! ee... X3
yesh it's more like a comedy rather than a romance scene orz -_-...
Sigh... waaahhh!!! now I can't show my face to him
I'll blush and I think my nose will bleed O_O
ehehe... does he think I'm weird???
ee... But after what happened today... and after a few chats with Marianne
(about feelings and such)
I realized that... I'm starting to like him... more and more...
It's turning to an unusual feeling
like... more that LIKE...
I don't know...
w-what should I do???
ee... I don't know if I should let this feeling go... or let it stay
I'm still confused on what to do
But now I really know what I feel
I hope I'll not get hurt again...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A change of heart

<-- Depressed
Hey blog...
I just realize something...
I'm being too immature
I can't keep my words, and I'm a sore loser
I'm sooo confused right now
It's becoz of my feelings for my knight
I've been thinking a lot... I can't focus on my studies becoz of this stupid feeling
I just cried a while ago... without anyone noticing
Did I already told you that I don't want others to see my weakness?
And yes, my weakness is this feeling
I'm sensitive... and I easily cry even if the reason is low
I cried coz... I think I've been taken for granted
I feel like, my knight is taking me for granted
I don't want to think about it but, I just can't get that out of my mind
He is a very busy person and I know that
I want to understand that but I can't
I think the problem is within me
I feel so lonely... I thought he was the person who will understand me even if I don't say a thing
But, I'm being too childish... I always think about myself
Yes I am selfish... I want somebody to understand that
I am spoiled... I want someone to spoil me more
But it's all wrong... I've been thinking too much about myself
I keep on saying that "I'll mature" and all...
Bah! I want to change so badly! :(
But I think in order to change... the only way for me to change
is to do things right... even though I know it's going to hurt in the start
I've been thinking about so many things
And now I finally made my decision
It will vary according to the situations that will happen
and the things that I'll be hearing
I'll made up my mind... and I need a week in order to decide
I know it's going to be hard, but I wish I won't regret anything in the end
at the end of this week, I'll have my final decision
And I'll say it whatever happens...
So, wish me luck!

Monday, November 16, 2009

A boring Monday


<-- Bored
Do you ever feel that, you've been expecting someone to come to your house all of a sudden?
Do you ever feel that, you've been waiting for someone to surprise you with a visit?
and do you ever feel sooo bored that you've been expecting things but, it will never happen?
That's what I feel today...
Hmm... an odd feeling I guess but, I really thought someone would come today...
surprise me with a surprise visit...
ee... yesh... I've been expecting a lot...
even though there's no reason I guess
I feel sooo totally lonely today!!! :(
I want to talk to someone...
Hmm... you know, I'm missing someone
Who? you know who!
I've been writing about him here for a while...
Yesh... My knight... I've been missing him -_-...
I don't know why but, that's what I feel
And I want to see him now... I've been expecting that he'll come even without a reason but...
my expectations are all imaginations... -_-...
*sigh... I really thought that anime scenes can come to life
Like, destiny, coincidences and such things
But... waahhh!! I'm being too immature!
And last night I've been thinking of too many things
Becoz of that, I realized something
that I should be who I am starting tomorrow
And I should learn things for my own... uhm... for my success... i think (huh?!)
wah! I feel so wierd today!
I just want to write what I want to write! >:(
hmm... and I realized that, someone is taking me for granted
yesh... my knight is taking me for granted
that's what I think!
I want to ask him, Why does he like me? (if he ever does)
We've known each other ever since high school
And he really doesn't notice me up until now
So, why now... why does he like me now?!
What's his reason for liking me?
ugh... I'm confused...
This feeling sucks... I can't tell anyone but I wanna tell someone
I'm sick of solving problems on my own
I'm sick of being not true to myself
I'm sick of being manipulated all the time
I hate changing... but I really want to change!
I wanna change now
For the good I guess
ee... I feel sooo bored I'm writing all this junk silly stuffs
ok so enough with the weird things orz.....
I know I've been thinking too much coz I'm bored otl
BTW, I've been studying hard last night
reading notes etc
and this afternoon I prepare my own lunch
ee... yesh... I cook my own food
I wanna learn things like cooking and laundry
coz I think I'm becoming too spoiled and dependent
and I want to throw away my pride
So I'm gaining my confidence and I want to show my true self
I want to become mature
I don't want to be stucked-up anymore
I know, if I become true to myself, I will lost some things
like friends and such
but I know some people will remain
my family and true friends
*sigh... so now, I will change
for the better of course
I want to show them the true me
And I want to throw away the things I hate
So, this is what I can write when I'm bored huh?
Sorry for the randomness
coz I'm really expecting someone to visit me home now
even without a reason
but... uwah... he didn't came so I feel down
so til here... bye now! n_n

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Kanata! OMG I forgot! O_o

woah! omg omg omg omg omg

ee... I forgot! It's November 15 today! O_O
It's Kanata-kun's birthday!!! O_o
waaahhh!!! Why??? This is the 1st time this happened (for 4 years i think)!
ee... oh I still haven't introduced Kanata to you yet -_-...
Kanata Hongo is an actor in Japan...
He's the same age as me
And ever since high school, specifically, 3rd year high school, he became my inspiration...
and my crush
up to now of course
coz he's an awesome actor!
And very cool and cute one too! ^^
ee... I really look up on him coz even though he's the same age as me... he became so popular
He is a very hardworking person
And he's very confident
I saw some of his movies... and he really fascinates me! :D
He's one of a heck awesome artist and a really great person!
I envy him a lot... and respects him of course
ee... He is the person I really like before my knight... >_<
And every year I always celebrate his birthday! (even though he doesn't know that)
I also made a chocolate for him last last valentines n_n
But now... ee... I forgot his birthday! O_o
I feel so ashamed and down... huhuhu T^T
ee... I have so many things in mind...
But I never thought I'll forget this day... this very special day orz
ahuhuh... It just came into my mind when one of my friends in fs wrote on her shoutout about it
ee... I did have a plan for his birthday
Now my plans are ruined! TT^TT
hmm... I keep asking myself why did I forgot his birthday?
And I realized some questions...
Is it becoz I have an amnesia?
Is it becoz I have a flu?
Am I becoming too old I easily forget things?
or is it becoz of my knight?
ee... uwah... I think it's becoz of the 4th question... uhuhu -_-...
ee... oh well, now that this happened, let's just let it as it is... -_-...
I can't do anything for it now.... :P
anyways, today is also Gilbert's birthday
Yup! He has the same brithday as Kanata
Gilbert is one of my friends in school
and he is a very great and awesome artist n_n
He draws a lot... and his artworks inspires me :D
ee... I was planning on giving him something for his birthday
but alas! I did say I forgot it's November 15 today right? D:
It's really annoying! I forgot this date!
I already draw something as a gift but I haven't scanned it
ee... I really thought that would be a great present for him
coz he gave me a sketch of me as a gift for my birthday last year
uhuhu... I wanna return the favor but now I can't :(
I'll just have to wait for next year to resume my plans...
ugh! I really feel ashamed for what happened now!
I wanna return the time so that I can continue my plans for their birthday! aaahhh!!! O_o
I did greet them online... and texted Gilbert... but I think those are not enough...
sigh... but oukei so I think I should really stop ranting around..
I need to calm down... -_-..
ee... oukei so til here!
Byebye -_-....................................................

Friday, November 13, 2009

1st week of school aftermath


<-- weak but happy!

woah! The first week of school is... well... ordinary... aheheh ^^
We did meet our profs, except for one subject..
Well I guess classes will be in serious state starting next week
So I better read some notes ^^
Today, I'm home alone
My mom and my lil bro went to play bingo at the mall
and my dad and sis went to Manila...
It's really boring, so I'm here surfing and reading manga
And I had organized my tinierme account... aheheh
gonna post some links and pics later
For the mean time..........................
uwah! Me has a flu!!! T^T
I feel soooo weak! And I've been sleeping much... -_-...
Hm... oh by the way, I haven't posted yesterday and the other day... ahehhe
Sorry about that -_-...
But anyways, in those two days, me and my knight had been together
After we went to visit Marianne on the hospital, we walked together on my way home
(coz I wanna go home to eat lunch)
But then he asked me if I wanted to go to someplace...
Yup! I don't think it's a date but, on the other day, we visited our high school school (get it?)
ee... I told you that we went to the same school when we were in high school right?
And he ask me if I wanted to go and visit it... and yes I agree immediately... :D
hmm... That school had a lot of changes since I last visited it
Like, there were lots of improvements...
I haven't taken a photo... ehehe... I forgot... sorry! ^^;
Well anyway, uwah... even though I think it's not a date, I actually feel like it's one :)
We talked to our 2nd year teacher in history...
I had a feeling that she didn't know me anymore... but that doesn't matter XP
After that, my knight treat me with fries and OwO *blushes
And we've been talking about things... ee...
I'm not good at talking so he's the one who always talks... ^_^
Yay! I feel sooo happy! TuT
Being with the person who really cares for you... Being just by his side... I feel totally safe :D
And happy deep inside (ee... I am a person who doesn't show her feelings)
hmm... what more... -_-...
And yesterday, My classmates have been wondering if the two of us are dating
And they've been asking me if we had a relationship
ee... I hate it when they're asking those things -_-..
Coz I blush a lot and they've been picking on me O_o
And they read his text messages from my cellphone
I don't want them to read those but, they are really on to it so I guess it's oukei (?)
And whenever they bully me and ask those things in front of my knight,
I feel so shy and I always keep my distance from him -_-...
ee... oh, about the relationship thing, no, he's not my bf yet (yet?)
coz I'm still not sure if I feel LOVE
But I do like him....
(LIKE is different from LOVE)
hmm... And I want to know him more first... aheheh ^^
The worst thing that happened yesterday was when my friend, Glecy, told me something
She ask me a question like, who should I choose, them (my friends) or my knight?
I don't want to answer questions like those coz I feel those questions are silly
Silly in the fact that those questions are not meant to be answers nor questioned -_-...
She said that I should distance myself from my knight
And she also said that Prince is better than my Knight...
and deep inside I totally disagree :(
I told her that I want to believe from what I see, and from my point of view
And from my feelings of course
But I also said that I am considering what she said
So that she wouldn't get angry at me... ^^
Ee... I'm also considering the past, my experiences and thoughts...
I don't want to make another mistake
So I'm looking at different angles..
Ee... Yes I am confused right now... I even cried last night
It's really hard to decide on something so serious
And there are lots of hindrances to start with
like, my friends are saying things against him
And my mom will totally disagree if I tell her :(
Uwah... I don't know what to do!!!
But for now, I think I'll just enjoy being with him :)
And set aside those problems
hmm... Do you think, this feelings will last... forever?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

bad luck + bad news + pissed off

Bad mood and totally pissed off

Buhuu! I'm sooooo totally angry an pissed off today! >:-O
coz... I feel sooo unlucky... uhuhu.... T^T
First... my bestfriend, Marianne, is confined in the hospital... since yesterday.... -__-...
It's still unknown whether she has 'dengue' or 'typhoid fever'
and she can't come to school... nobody knows how long it will take...
So I feel so alone... and I miss her so much! >_<
hmmm... and today, I thought I was late for our first subject which is CISCO...
that subject is from 7am to 12nn, and If I didn't attend that class... that would be a big regret -_-...
and guess what? our prof there didn't arrive at all!
We were like waiting there for 1 and a half hour... arghhh... >=<
So after a long wait, we decided to leave and visit Marianne at the hospital...
ee... we were so many we got scolded by the guard and the doctor :P
and... hmm... Krizzia alsocame to visit
and that afternoon, we didn't have class (again) on our Math9 subject... grrrr....
I was really expecting that I will meet our ex-Dean... our prof in that subject -_-...
ee.... and my 'Knight' was not around.. I didn't see him this morning and I thought he was absent....
I realize that I felt weak and down coz I didn't see my best riend and my knight today
but thank goodness he came for our last subject.... TuT
uwah... ahahaha! I feel so weird today... specially that feeling...
the feeling of not seeing someone... and missing that person...
I really feel incomplete without them T^T
ee... and then the thing that made my mood bad...
is that... our report for tomorrow is cancelled! #^%$##(adagmoe
argh... I'm soooooooo pissed off!!!
I did research for that report... and I didn't sleep well....
and we got scolded at the library becoz o that...
and then, we found our that our Prof in that subject will be replaced by another!!! ee!!! >:-O
uwah!!! after that I was in a bad mood and I don't want anyone to see me...
so instead of going home... I went to somewhere and run! rn and run as fast as I can to calm myself down -_-....
and now I am writing this in a net cafe... and the mouse pisses me off too...
and the keyboard... ee... like I was typing in a typewriter...
arrghh.... useless PC should be thrown away!!! XC
ok so til here... I wanna go home and sleep....
bye for now

Monday, November 9, 2009

Start of 2nd sem + speed painting in photoshop vid :D

<-- yayz! extremely excited!
woah! So tomorrow is the start of my 3rd year 2nd sem
I'm totally... excited! and a bit nervous...
coz I haven't review anything! O_o
woah! I need to read my notes tonight... ^^
hmmm... yayz! I'll see my classmates and friends again!
and my Knight of course n_n
but... uwah... my bestfriend, Marianne, has a fever...
and she is not sure if she can come to school tomorrow :(
Poor her... I hope she'll get better soon -_-....
oh, by the way, at last! My very first speed painting in photoshop vid is here! :D
ahahah! I'm sooo proud! and I've been posting links everywhere online! ahahah! XD
ee... so like I promise, I'm going to post it here too n_n
Here's the link:
ahehe... I hope (if anyone reads my blog) you'll watch it! X3
uwaah... I already have 33 views (4 from me) and 2 comments from my friends in deviantart :D
ahahah! I'm sooo really extremely happy! yayz! lololol XDDD
oukei so til here! I need to read my lectures and organize my things for tomorrow!
Bye-bee! O(^-^)o

Friday, November 6, 2009

about 'Knight'


uwahahah! yayz! XD
I'm posting something about Knight! 8D
oukei I'll tell you our story >_<
Yesh... from the very start! OwO
hmm... We've been classmates since 1st year high school...
and that time, he was our topnotcher
hmm... and he was promoted and got into the 1st section (we were in the 2nd section that time)
I really envy him that time... coz he got promoted... I wanted to be in the first section soo badly >.<
I didn't know that you can be promoted when you got into the 1st to 3rd place in class...
so I did my best in second year, and I really study hard...
Soon, my hardwork paid off
I was 3rd place in second year and I got into the first section 8D
hmm... 3rd year we became classmates again
but we're not really close that time.. and even when we're still 1st year -_-...
On our 4th year in high school, I went down into the second section again and he's on the 4th O_o
I think it's becoz of 'that' problem... I'm not telling anymore.. eeheh ^^;
But it's not that big problem... or maybe just a medium problem...
Hint? It's about a newspaper they wrote... and about our teachers that time O_o
Hm... and then College!
We became classmates again coz we're in the same course n_n
uwahahah! but still, we're not close that time...
It was until our second year in college...
He started saying 'things' to me... like jokes... etc. -_-...
He was just joking around and I know that... And I just ride along his jokes... wahahah! XD
But then in our 3rd year, we becaome a little closer to each other
We became groupmates in various subjects and activities
and we were like... always together XD
hw always help me when I have problems... and when I'm alone
the most unforgetable moment was when we had a seminar in SM Baliuag, Bulacan
On our way home, I was a bit depressed coz I didn't bought any souvenirs (only chocolates..)
and then at the bus, my friend, Glecy, gave me something
It was a cellphone... uhm... cloth (huh?) something... what do you call that again?
and it has a Naruto design -_-... (sorry for the english)
I was really happy coz I receive something! T^T
and then Glecy said it was not from her... but from my knight
I was really surprise he gave me something O_o
And on our way home... I was sooo sick becoz of the bus
and I my knight is worried about me...
He sat beside me and told me I can sleep at his shoulders...
uwaahhh... It was really romantic that time (even though I feel sick and fell asleep -_-..)
It really feels warm when someone cares for you TuT
I wanted to stop time that time...
ahahah! and then after that he started texting me
and when he went to SM NorthEdsa
and came back, he gave me a gaara keychain and a poster of hitman reborn OwO
hahha! He really know what I want! XD
but as a consequence he asked me to teach him in CISCO
We were waiting for our classmates that time, and we chat a bit
He really gave me inspiring words... like when I don't want to join the chess team in our college coz I'm not really good at chess
and he said that I should join becoz some others join even though they are not really good at what they were doing
I was inspired so next year I'll join the chess team for intrams n_n
He inspire me alot... and made me change
He didn't know that I'm always looking at him and looked up on him
becoz I can see things on him that I didn't have
more likely, the attitudes that I don't have
He is responsible and hardworking
He is smart
He's not shy
He's not looking for a good face
He's sweet and kind
He doesn't say bad words (I think)
He's a religious person
He's a gentleman
He's not selfish
He's friendly
and most of all, He cares for me alot
things and attitudes that I lack
Sometimes I think, do I deserve him?
eheheh... I want to be like him
and I look up on him n_n
*sigh... ahahah! I don't know if this is really love... or just a crush... -_-"
and I don't know if, he is still joking around
uwahh... I'm confused!
but sometimes... I really miss him... so much...
and when he's beside me.. I get really nervous... and blush alot.... OwO
aheheh... hmm.. but sometimes I think... that he is just like Prince (the one who made me trust him but in the end betrays me... yes his true name is prince... but let just call him that -_-)
but as time flies... the more I know him (my knight)... the more I feel... like... my heart beats fast... I c an't explain -_-...
When he's around and when he's near me... and when I think of him... My heart beats sooo fast it really hurts...
ee... yesh.. I prefer a 'knight in shining armor' than a 'prince charming' n_n
coz a prince just rely on his looks and on his soldiers...
in reality he's nothing but a pony... a sore loser and a coward... (bwhahahah) >:-)
but a knight... he can save you... he's willing to risk his life and he is a responsible person
he may not be rich, but he can give you his love and care... aww... ^w^
ahahah! so, til here
but our story... or his story here... will not end.. here.... (what?!)
our story is meant to be continued...
yesh... meant to be.... n_n
I hope so... -_-...

damn pc >:O


Reimei is irritated!

ugh, I hate my PC!!! >:-O
It's sooooo slow!!!
I wanna throw it out the window!!!
ee... I want a new CPU... a pentium 4! or a dual core! or maybe a quadcore!!! >_<
*sigh... If only I have money... uhuhhu T^T
hmm... oukei enough ranting... -_-...
Sorry I didn't update yesterday...
You see, yesterday I was uhm making a video about coloring using photoshop... and I wanna upload it on youtube...
uwaahhh... atlast! This 3rd attempt really worked out! TuT
Camstudio worked out this time
I was able to save my process! yayz! O(^w^)o
The only thing I need to do now is to edit it and insert a song using windows movie maker n_n
And upload to youtube of course
uwahahah! I'm sooo very excited to upload it later...
I'll edit it at the nearest net cafe and upload it asap!
I can't edit it in here coz of my s2pid, slow and old run-down irritating pc... >:O
hmmm... by the way, did I already tell you about my 'Knight'?
I already wrote that I'll be writing here why I call him 'Knight' n_n
hmm... maybe in my next entry... oukei I'll post it on today... n_n

Thursday, November 5, 2009

woah! a subbie in deviantart and some updates!

<-- Overjoy

yay! I was really shocked! O_o
My friend in deviantart, Snaaaake, gave me a 3 month subbie! :D yay! XD
I'm really really really happy right now!!! wowowow!!! XDDD
And he said that he wanted to commission me! errr... oh... I already wrote this... aheheh ^^;
Well anyway, now, I'm a full-pledged (what?) scholar now! as in... FULL SCHOLAR! University scholar! NO MORE TUITION FEES! yay! O(^-^)o
Weeehhh!!! and then today, I went to school for my other scholarship... and I was sooo happy I found out that it is legal (eh?) to have 2 scholarships... yesh! yay!!! XD
hmmm... today I also helped my classmates to apply to those scholarships... ee... now I have companions! TuT
and... I also got to see my secret crush... and I also helped him to apply for scholarship... TuT
uwaaahhh! I'm overjoyed! :D
hmmm... Wanna know who my secret crush is? hmm... I wrote his name on the previous entry... ee... XD
Let's just call him 'Knight'... coz he is my knight in shining armor :D
I'll tell you why I call him knight... some time... eheheh n_n
ok back to the topic... well, today, me and my bestfriend, Marianne, ate at KFC today... again... just like yesterday... n_n
coz we saw our friend, Krizzia, today... She treat us! eheheh... like, we receive P25.00 from her... aww... n_n
ee... I really miss her badly... T^T
hmm... What more...?
oh... Marianne also bought a dvd of the latest episodes of Naruto Shippuden and I'm going to borrow it next week! yayz! O(^-^)o
hmmm... and my Knight walked with me home... err... until I ride a tricycle... n_n
and.. woah! almost forgot... It's my mom's birthday today! :D
She's 43 years old now! eheheh n_n
and my gift for her? a pair of slippers! eheheh ^^"
It's really cheap... but she liked it anyway :D
so til here! gotta go!
take care!
Bye-bee!!! XD

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I did my best... :'(

<-- Sad and Down

ee... yesh... I'm sad and I feel totally down...
Evcn though I said that I did my best and I will not regret anything..., I still feel sad... :(
I didn't win anything on the halloween contest on deviantart T-T
and what's worse is I didn't win on any of those 2 contests... not even a honorable mention... TT-TT
I feel like a sore loser... -_-"
I really expected that I would win... even in just one... but... wah! nothing!
Huhuh... I wanna cry... but I don't want others to see my weakness...
sigh... so I'm keeping this to myself...
Gah! I want to improve so much!
Maybe if I change my artstyle, something will change too
But I don't want to, coz that wouldn't be me... I wanna stick to my present style... -_-...
But on the otther hand... If I will not change, nothing will...
Huhuh... I need some inspiration... I hope I'll find one T-T
Hmm.... I decided to not submit anything in deviantart this week... coz I totally feel down...
I want to draw... but I'm having an art block... one reason is because of those 2 contests...
ee... I'm cheering myself up... But it's not working!
I keep telling myself that 'There's still next time!' and 'Don't think too much about it, It's just a contest'
But... wah! I can't easily get over it! XC
I saw some inspirational quotes... which made my feeling a little comforable...
It says that ' You'll fin hope in despair, those who does not experienced sorrow cannot appreciate joy'
ee... I found this when one of my friends on friendster posted this on the bulletin... I feel a bit relieved :)
and then my horoscope told me that
'It might feel as if your relationship is built like a house of cards -- it's shaping up to be quite impressive, but one slight breeze or jiggle could send it all tumbling down. This sense of insecurity can be tricky to deal with. So instead of letting yourself concentrate on the bad things that could happen, focus all that energy on what's going right. Don't take anything for granted: what is meant to be will be.'
Kinda inspiring isn't it? :)

wah... I think I still need some time to recover... and when I'm ready, you'll see a better and more stronger me n_n