Saturday, December 12, 2009

A week update

woah! I didn't update for a week! O_o hmm... so now I'll post an update for each day

December 5,2009 - Saturday

Our puppy, Chimpay, is not going to be here anymore...
My parents decided to give it to our relatives
yeah it's kinda sad coz I'll miss her T^T
I really like having a pet... specially a puppy
And I did made more memories with her
I'll miss the times when we play together,
and when she's eating
and when she's wiggling her tail XD
aww... Now I'm missing her T^T
but it's ok... I think they will take care of her the same way we did :)

December 6,2009 - Sunday

We went to church with my lola and autie
My aunt has a cancer...
I saw her with a face mask
And her head is covered, I think she wore a wig
Yeah, she's undergoing kimotheraphy
If anyone does read this blog pls pray for her
BTW, she gave me and my sis bracelets
hmm... and then after that we went to KFC to eat :)

December 7, 2009 - Monday

Nothing much happened...
or... uwah... I don't remember what happened anymore -_-...
I think, I was drawing something
For the contests that I joined in deviantart :P

December 8, 2009 - Tuesday

Our prof in Rizal told us that we'll be having our first quiz on thursday
And we had our quiz in management and automata
hmm... I was really into studying that time
What more happened... hmm.. nothing much I think
My Knight didn't walked me home... I was kinda sad
I was with Bart (chouji) that time,
I told him what I feel for my Knight
I hope he'll never say it to him

December 9,2009 - Wednesday

We still waited for our prof in CISCO for like, an hour or more
And when he arrived and opened the lab, lefted us doing nothing
Then after a few minutes, he just want us to pass our certificates and then leave
What the?! I think I will have to self study this time -_-...
what a pain...
And then my friends bought sun sim cards
It's very cheap so I decided to buy too
hmm... after class, I went to the library and return the book I borrowed
I was like shocked a bit coz my knight followed me
but just to photocopy my lectures in rizal
And then after that he asked me if he can walk me home
His friend, Musni, was like joking around
He's bullying us... saying things like this and that
My knight was really quite that time
And I was pissed off
I refuse, I just said that I'll have to render service in the library
And then I bid goodbye and he just said nothing
I was really hurt
But I just thought I have to render the service in the library and just focus on the more important thing
The librarian said that they got 2 student assistants so they're not acceptig anymore
So I went to OSA and got accepted there as a student assistant
I was not like doing anything there, just sitting til 6pm
And at 6 I went home alone and sad...
Its dark and I was like walking so slow
I was thinking if my knight is really taking me for granted

December 10, 2009 - Thursday

So the day of the quiz in Rizal arrived
I didn't sleep last night, I was doing something
Coloring my entry for friendship contest in deviantart
and then reviewed a little
So I was not really on myself
we had no class on management
And I decided to went home coz we had an assignment on automata
I hate some of my classmates..
they always rely on me whenever we have homeworks
so I said that I still have no assignment
It's just my excuse so that they'll not copy mine
hmm... and then, my knight is ignoring me again
I really want him to walk me home
But he had a meeting in Ssite -_-...
ugh, I know he should be doing those things first but
I can't stop myself from not being angry
Yeah I know he's not my boyfriend
but, I really want someone to accompany me
He thought I'll render service in OSA
but I was down that time I decided not go there

December 11,2009 - Friday

1 day before my birthday
And today is Marianne's monthsary with his bf
I feel nothing for my birthday
on my pst bdays, I was really excited when my bday comes
but now it's feels different
I wasn't excited at all
I don't want to grow old
I wanted to be 18 for so long
But what can I do, I can't stop time
So I have to accept it -_-..
hmm... we were the first batch in our multimedia subject
so we went our for lunch 10pm
My knight was in second batch, but he switch in 1st
He asked me if I'm free for 10pm
But I said that Mom and I have someplace to go
He said if he can come along
but I said, he can't coz I think we'll be going somewhere and we will be taking long
He insisted, he wants me to go with him at lucinda at 11
Coz there will be a meeting or some sort
for there religion, Iglesia ni Cristo
He accomapny me to the phonebooth coz I'll call my Mom
I told her that it's my freetime
And she said to wait for her at magicstar til 10:30
My knight then accompany me to magicstar
We were eating at the foodcourt
yesh my anger at him went away
we were laughing and telling stories etc
Like somebody already confess feelings for him
And about things like religions
I was really happy when I'm with him
after that he said that he was serious about me
And then, he express his feelings for me
I was shocked that time
He said that he like me, but there is this one reason preventing his feelings for me
He said that it's becoz of his religion
Coz, if somebody saw him having a relationship with someone who has a different religion
He will be exiled, or banished from his religion, something like that
I was then confused, I don't want that to happen
He said that he was really attached to his religion
And I understand that
But then he said if we'll be in a relationship, we can keep that as our secret
But I told him it would be his or our conscience if we do that
And I was really touched on the next thing he said
He said that, if it's that's the case, then he's willing to change religion
of course I don't want that to happen... He'll be sad...
He's so dedicated in their religion and now, becoz of me he'll leave
I now he doesn't mean to say that
But he's really serious about me
He even rejected the girl who liked her, even though they have the same religion
course I was confused, I can't decide whether to accept his feelings or not
I did think that if I turn to their religion, it would be fine but
I should also think of what my parents would like
there's too many angles, I can't think straight
He asked me if I like him too
I really want to tell him but, for now I can't
After what I heard,if I told him I liked him, what will happen?
And after all, I wasn't sure about my feelings
uwaah... what should I do?
The wrong way oo accept his feelings and be happy
Or the right way to refuse him and stay as friends
hmm... and then my mom arrived
but he (my knight) already left coz it's 11:15 already
the truth is, I'll be having my hair cut and I want it to be a secret
I was really thinking of what to do while my hair is being cutted
and while walking too
after that, I went to school,
yesh my classmates saw my new haircut
and my knight saw it too
I think my new hairstyle is cute
So, after class, my knight walked me home
but he said it's still early so he asked me if I want to go somewhere
so we went to enigma to look for PCs
and then we went to metrotown coz he'll look for something for their exchange gift
hmm... we walked like, 5 km or less
but I enjoy it coz he's with me
I guess, I really like him
but I can't stop thinking about the fact about their religion
and I was scared if someone might see us together
hmm.. and then we were walking home,
and we sat for a while coz we were both tired
I told him what Glecy told me
and that's not to trust people so easily
and he said that, it's up to me if I should trust him
and what he said at the foodcourt was his true feelings
I don't know if I should trust anymore
I told him that, if you were tricked on the past (about prince), it's not easy to trust anymore
and he undestand that
he said that if I need more time, then it's fine with him
and we should talk about that in the right time
yes I was relieved, but i think, how long can he wait?
I do trust him, I trust him with all my heart
and then after that, my dad saw us there, sitting on the bushes (?)
ee... he, my knight, panicked (I think)
and then he leave coz he was really shocked... --,
and then my dad asked me why didn't I introduced him?
I was like nervous that time so it doesn't come to my mind
At home my mom knew what happened,
I was on my room thinking of what he said and what should I do
I'm really happy coz I was with him for a long time
and becoz of the things he sais,
most importantly, he confess his feelings
But on the other hand, sad becoz of the hindrances
uwah... I don't know what to follow
my heart? or my mind?
it's really difficult....

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