Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm back + being true + a much stronger me... hello and goodbye

<-- being used and left behind

Konichiwa! Reimei here! *waves
So today is a very odd day
I've been in so much trouble...
First off,in CISCO, which is our first subject and from 7am to 12nn, our prof didn't came
Hpmf! What the?! I was really pissed off! I want to learn in school that's why I study and now this?!
Ugh! And it was our most expensive subject by the way! XC
I just hate lazy profs... not all the time but I want to atleast pass the subject
They say CISCO 2 is the hardest of all CISCOs
And I want to learn about that...
Ugh... I just wasted my time waiting for nothing -_-..
anyway, continue
We were still waiting and can't do anything
So we talk and chat with each other
I show them the pictures of my puppy Chimpay
ahahah! They said that she was sooo cute! XD
After that, my knight and his friend came
His friend, lets just call him Musni, joked around and asked me few questions about my knight
And I was so shy and can't say things straight
I don't answer his questions directly coz I'm annoyed
I don't want to be asked questions like that you know
I blush alot and people can see my weaknesses
And I can't look straight at my knight coz I'm really shy
The worst thing happened was, when Musni dragged Nimfa along
And my knight just moved away
Did I tell you that my knight liked Nimfa before me?
hmm... that moment was like, confusing
My friends told me that, if he really doesn't like Nimfa anymore,
Why would he move away like that?
They said, there must be something going on between them
I don't want to believe but, if it is the truth, I'll be hurt
And yesh, I'm hurt that time, nobody saw it
You know, whenever I see them together,
I always think that they were a cute couple
I don't know but, that's what I think... They are really fitted to each other when you look at them
Even though I'm hurt, I still can't restrain myself from being happy seeing somebody like that
It's like, a couple from an anime or manga
ahahah! Odd... Even though I like my knight that much, I still think that way n_n
A very weird feeling huh
Anyway, when they finally go away
My friends asked me what I feel for my knight
My heart wants to answer that question so badly, but my mind thought of something
And I just said, "It's really hard telling the truth"
"And I don't want to be hurt again"
That moment they asked about Prince too
I told them the truth, that I just liked him becoz he said he liked me too that time
And it's different from now I think
ahahha! I just want to clear something that's all
At 10am, we decided not to wait anymore
My classmates wants to go at my house, but I don't want to
Coz I was planning to go to the library to search for the book we've been asked to search
And of course I really want to study that time coz I felt I become more lazy this sem -_-...
They were really convincing me, but still I refuse
So we just went to computer zone to window shopping for Marianne's laptop
After that they now want to go to Stephen's boarding house
I still refuse coz I still want to go to the library
And I succeed! nyahahaha! lololol
hmm... In the afternoon came a really huge misunderstanding
We were asked to group ourselves ni our system and analysis design (SAD) subject
And it is one of the hardest subject ever!
So I decided to stick along the people who I can trust
I didn't choose my friends Marianne, Glecy and Tin
And I think they were angry

I said that I promise one of my groupmate to be in his group
Glecy said that I also promised them that I'll be in their group, which is not so true
I didn't promise them anything... They were the ones who made that decision by themselves
And now she thinks I'm a lier and a traitor? What kind of mind that she have?
I don't want to think abou this but, she's being too dependent on me
Yesh she's always giving me advices... I'm really glad but
Why does she have to hold me in my neck?
She's always saying things like, I'm a not so good friend and I don't have a debt of gratitude to them
Who does she think she is? Yesh I'm angry at her right now
Totally pissed off
You know what I felt that time?
I felt that I was being used and stuck-up with them!
Can't I decide for my own?
I always get mad at her for what she says... This happened many times
I just control myself from spilling my madness orz
And then after that, some of my classmates wants to photocopy the book that I borrowed from the library
So I accompany them... Marianne and the two others said that they were going somewhere and will return coz we were going to look for more laptops
That time I thought they were saying things about me
And that's the truth, they were really talking about me
Saying things that I would never want to hear
I was really pissed off and I'm in my worst mood
My knight accompany me at school but he went away coz he had something to do
That time, I got mad at him too, coz he doesn't even feel that I'm in such a mood and I want somebody to talk to
I think he heard me refusing them (my friends) about the grouping
I don't know what he thought about that
But nevermind... the point is that he wasn't on my side that time
Well anyway, My friend Bart accompany me
And I told him what I feel about Glecy
He was like angry too coz of that...
I really appreciate his care... I know he is like that
But I still have regrets telling him my feelings coz I nkow he might spill that out -_-...
hmm... Then, Marianne and Glecy came
And I told them not to look for a laptop anymore coz there were no installments in enigma
They convince me to see the leaflet about the laptop with installment at home
So we walked together to my house
In our way, they were talking to each other and I was really quiet
You know what I think of them that time?
They are like, plastic people
They were laughing but deep inside them, they were angry
I hate people like that... Why don't they say things straight to my face instead of keeping it to themselves?
That's why my mood became even worst
Good thing my puppy was here to make my problems go away
But my mom said that we will give it to grandma
Yesh I'm sad about that... I'll miss her so much! XC
She's so cute and hyper! I don't want her to go away T^T
hmm... So til here! I think this is so long -_-...
I hope tomorrow will be ok

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