Friday, December 18, 2009

Socialization 2009!!! sigh -_-...

ok so this entry is about the socials and the happenings last December 15, 2009:

December 15, 2009 - Tuesday

Woah! Yeah! The day of our socialization has finally arrived! O(^-^)o
ahihihi... Yeah... suuuuuper excited! XD even though I was really exhausted yesterday -_-...
hmm... But first, we had a class on our Rizal subject
We check some papers... and then no more classes! woot! :D
hmm... But then I don't want to go home yet... coz It's still 9:30 am
And Mom and I had a fight -_-...
My Knight told me to help him buy a gift for their exchange gift on their org
And so we went to Metrotown to buy the doll we saw last time
We walked from school to there... and from there to school... ahehhe... -_-...
hmm... and then on our way to my house, we saw Baldo near the net cafe near the school (?)
He wanted to borrow my lectures in multimedia, so we went there for a while to give him that
And there I saw Marianne, Glecy and Tin hanging around... and some of my classmates of course
I was like, *gulp... oh no... -_-"
They saw us together....
You know why I don't like them to see us together?
It's becoz they'll just tease us
And my 3 friends, will think I prefer to be with my Knight rather than with them
They do really misunderstand me when it comes to Knight -_-...
ugh... specially Glecy -_-...
hmm... But thank goodness they didn't say anything
and just treated me ordinarily
after that, my Knight walked me home
He asked me if he can come to my house,
but I insisted, I told him about the fight with my mom
So, I went home and just sleep
I saw my mom but I didn't talk
I told my mom about the overnight... and she just said yes
hmm... what more...
At 5pm my Knight went at my house... coz he''ll pick me up ^^
And he gave me his present to me
It's the ryoma doll I really want from the UFO catcher we saw at the mall...
aww... sooo sweet! XD
And I was shocked coz Glecy and Marianne went too
But I thought it would be more ok if they went with him ^^
So, they told my mom about the overnight and about the socials
Oh by the way, I wore a miniskirt and I was a total girly... eheh - -,
But my mom said to change my skirt into pants... which I don't want
She convinced me when Glecy told me to just change when we're at school
hmm... I was changing in my room
and mom and dad asked so many things from my knight
yesh I heard everything... coz my room has a balcony so I can hear eveything whenever people are at the sala
hmm... and then after that, we went to Jo's boarding house
coz Marianne and Glecy wants to change clothes
My Knight saw this white fluffy big bear that I longed for
He was hugging it... and I feel envious so I snatched it and hug it
uwah... I really want something like that D:
Me and my Knight were fooling around giving names to that bear
And I named it... "popo" XD
Coz there's a pooh name on the tag on its back
ahahah! my friends said thatme and my knight were sooo sweet that time XD
then Marianne, Glecy and I went to the mall to buy foods
My knight didn't want to go... I think coz he doesn't have money... -_-...
But then I returned coz my bag is sooo heavy
and u know what happened?
When I was putting some of my cloths in Glecy's paperbag,
my bra suddenly jumped from my bag O_O
woah! good thing my knight was not looking.... phew! -_-....
I was laughing hard when I got outside the room
and I told Marianne and Glecy what happened
At the mall, I treated them with siomai
course I didn't treated them on my birthday, so I thought now's the time to treat them
When we came back to the boarding house, me and my knight listened to my friends mp4
The song was 'a thousand miles' which is one of my fav songs n_n
and then, 7pm, we went to the gym for the socials
My knight is right beside me... and I'm sooo happy coz this will be the first time we'll watch the socials together :D
hmm.... We enjoyed the socials n_n
Coz we're fooling around, laughing and telling stories together
ahahah! It's really fun! and I wasn't bored :)
and there was this time when he put his head on my shoulder
My heart beated so fast I was about to explode
I really don't know the feeling... It just suddenly came...
after the awarding... it's the disco
but then, he doesn't want to participate in the disco
I was relieved coz I don't want it either
He's such a good boy :)
hmm... after the socials... the plan is to go to stephen's boarding house and sleep
But they had another plan
coz Stephen and his girlfriend wants to go to cart city so they'll not go to the boarding house yet
We were forced to come with them
My Knight was very worried, and told me if my mom knew about this, she would get angry
I told him if it's ok for him to come
and yes he did come with us, co I think he's worried about me
There we saw our classmates drinking beer
My knight doesn't want to drink so we went away from them
Our classmates saw us and they were teasing us again
We didn't come inside coz they were going out there already
So now the plan was to go to stephen's place for our sake
I was sooo pissed off coz we've been walking and I feel sleepy
yesh I was in my worst mood again
ugh... ok so I'm tired writing... I'll just continue this tomorrow kay -_-....

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