Saturday, December 19, 2009

continuation of Socialization '09

So this is the continuation of my entry yesterday... eheheh

hmm... so where were we?
hmm... Did I already told you about cart city?
and we walked like, from there to near metrotown?
yeah, I was in my bad mood... -_-...
Becoz I was sooo sleepy and tired otl
hmm... and then they (my classmates) decided to bring us to Stephen's boarding house
and so, Bart, Baldo, Marianne, Glecy, Knight and I went there
I felt Bart was so worried about us
Even though he wants to be with those guys, he didn't go
He's like a big bro to me I guess :)
hmm... after that, uwah... I feel so much comfortable and I lay down of exhaustment
ahahah... and I saw a big pink bear again... I hugged it and uwaahh... I felt so tired
But they opened the TV and I asked them to turn the channel on cartoon network
We watched Naruto... ahahah XD
hmm... after that, my Knight told us that he had to go...
And I bid goodbye...
hmm... yesh I don't want him to go rather, I want him to stay with us on our overnight there
But we had no choice but to just bid goodbye I guess
and then I went to the CR to wash my face
My friends said I was sooo slow
and then those guys came
And when I finish washing my face, I asked if Bart and Knight already went out
But they said they were still there
ahahah! yesh, I was really happy my Knight was still there
I really want him to guard me... ahahah :D
and then we went to the second floor coz we will sleep there
and then Knight bid goodbye for the 2nd time... and yes he will already went home that time
hmm... so I think maybe I'll just sleep coz I'm tired
But then, I charged my cellphone coz I'm battery empty
Glecy and Marianne were already tired and sleeping sound
I can't sleep, so when Bart went to our room, we tell stories and such
We were talking about my Knight
He said that he was a nice person etc
and I agree with that :)
hmm... He gave me some advices, and I was like, agreeing to whatever he says
Yesh I was serious talking to him
I even told him all the things Knight said to me
and then, he said that I should accept Knight's feelings for me
I didn't know that Marianne was still awake and I think she heard our conversation
and then she joined our story telling
and the topic jumped from there to scary stories
They were really on to it... Telling creepy and scary stuffs
I hate scary stuffs, so I don't want to listen anymore
And I always turn on the lights on my cellphone
It was already, 2am in the morning I think
And then Camilo comes in, telling his experiences
They were really scary, and up to this point I can't forget about them -_-"...
sigh... and then after that, we decided to sleep
I think I sleep for an hour...
ok so that ends the socials
I'll continue this on my entry for December 16
ahehhe... so, chao! :D

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