Saturday, December 26, 2009

OMG! update from Dec 16 T^T

Soooo sorry for not updating til now T^T
I've been sooo lazy opening my blogger.... -__-....
Well anyways, I'll complete my update from Dec.16 up to present
Just a summary, so bare with it *-*

December 16, 2009 - Wednesday

Nothing much happened,
I just sleep becoz of exhaustion and tiredness
hmm... or... uwah! I can't remember what I did this day -_-...

December 17, 2009 - Thursday

Hmmm... Today the only important thing happened was my Knight calling me on my cellphone
It was our first conversation on the phone, how can I forget? 8D
He asked me if I can come to their church on saturday
I said I should ask my parents first for their approval
and he said that he'll be the one to tell,
He'll be visiting me tomorrow to tell my parents about that
Yesh I was soooo nervous
It will be the first time a suitor would visit (suitor?)
hmm... But then that night I told my parents if they will allow to go
My dad agreed, but my mom didn't
By the way, Knight's religion is Iglesia ni Cristo (INC)
and we are Born again
Two very, err I mean sorta, different religions -_-...
My mom doesn't want me to change religions so she didn't allow me -_-...
and coz INC's don't celebrate Christmas, and they have too many don'ts on their religion
Hmm... I was thinking if I should go or not
And I know that I should be making the decision by myself
So, I texted my Knight, like, they didn't allow me something like that
But it wasn't direct
And then I go to sleep -_- zzzZZZ

December 18, 2009 - Friday

Today is the day my Knight will be visiting me home
My dad left early coz he'll get his pension at... I think AFPSLAI
I took a bath early, like 6 or 7
My Knight was here at 8:30 am, coz I asked him to come early ^^;
Hmm... We first talked outside, coz mom is in the CR
I told him that my mom doesn't agree, but he said he'll still try to ask their permission
I also said that dad is not home, and he got more nervous coz he is more comfortable talking to dad ^^
hmm... after that, we went in and took a seat, right beside each other
Like we're going to say something really important (I was thinking too many things like it's about marriage or such haahah!)
OMG I was really nervous that time O_o
And I don't know how to entertain visitors!
I wasn't talking at all!
Anyways, Mom said to him directly what she wanted to say
About the religions and such
I felt pity for my Knight... Coz he got rejected (?) by my parents... about the saturday event.... --;
I wasn't really looking at them, I looked at the TV and at the other side away from them
And then they were talking about the two of us, our relationship, etc.
Woah! Mom is really something! She thought of things too much O_O
After the very long and heart-throbing conversation, Mom left us to have time talking with each other
I wasn't really talking, coz we're in our house and sis and lil bro might hear hahah!
We were just watching TV
But then my Knight was the one talking to me
He said things like jokes and such
hmm... But I think he's sad coz of the result
Anyway, he saw my pic when I ws grade 1
And he said that I was cute! X3
He saw a rubic's cube and tried to solve it
He even teached me the tricks and how to solve it
My feeling of nervousness was gone, And we were talking to each other in a normal way
We also watched Hunter X Hunter and Bleach
After that he bid goodbye... hmm... coz it's pass 10
I walked him outside coz I still want to talk with him about what happened
And he said if it's ok with me, I can accompany him til TFBC (which is very far from home)
I said it's ok coz I was going to say something though (and I want to be with him for a little longer)
We talked about things... and about the suitor thing
He said that he'll wait until we graduated
And until I can decide for my own
Aww... the sweetest thing I heard this day :)
hmm... I asked him about his lovelife
And he openly told me about it
hmm... should I, write it? or maybe on another journal about him next time ^^
And then Mom saw us sitting at the bakery
My Knight apologize coz of that...
And I got scolded coz we were there
Mom said she gave us time to talk at home
I said that I can't really talk there coz I feel like it
and then.... there... phew! It's all finish
His first visit on his own is really sweet
And I'm glad he had the courage to do that :)

December 19, 2009 - Saturday

Coz I wasn't able to go to my Knight's church, I think I was at home all day
Gah! Can't remember anything happened this day orz -_-...

December 20, 2009 - Sunday

hmm... can't remember this one again -_-...
Is it, the Christmas party on our subdivision???
ee... can't really remember (needs memory supliment)
I just can't remember anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But one thing is sure, we didn't go to church coz of some reason -_-.....

'kay so I guess til here for now
My laziness kills me again -_-...
Gonna update tomorrow, promise!!!

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