Thursday, December 3, 2009

worst mood

<--I'm on my worst mood orz

Hello there -_-...
Yesh, I've been on my worst mood
It started this morning... when our prof in Rizal told us something...
hmm... should I keep it to myself, or should I write it here?
well ok I'll write it It's like this,
she told us about discipline...
and I was really on to it
She was saying about making commitments and relationships...
And listening to our parents
I realized something from what she said
You know what I realized?
That I am too spoiled and I always want to get what I want
I don't listen to others and I am close-minded
That time... I was about to cry
But I don't want to so I keep on hiding my face
And after that, I was sad and quiet on our next subjects
They were asking me what's the problem
And I just said... like... nothing
I want to keep it to myself
I don't want others to see my weakness you know
hmm... and then on our next subject, they even noticed that I was too serious
Bart and Glecy even told me that I look scary and all
I was really on my worst mood...
After that, lunch time I decided to be alone
I want to cry but I choose not to coz we will report on our retorika subject
So I make a draft about my report
And I calm myself down...
hmm... next is on our subject automata theory
I was really listening to the lecture
My friend, Neil, asked me things like, what's wrong and what's the problem
And Kristian said that this isn't like me something like that
I appreciate their concern...
hmm... about my knight... he's not talking to me orz -_-...
I was really expecting he'll encourage me or asked me about my mood... but no...
Next, we reported and I was not really ready
So my report is a failure T^T
It's a group report and our grade is only 7 out of 10
I felt down for not giving my best
But at the same time I was so sleepy so nevermind -_-...
and then, school's finish and I went to the library to borrow a book
I'm expecting my knight would talk to me even just a little time
But still, I didn't see him...
He didn't even walked me home...
I guess... he never did notice my mood
ugh... I hate it...
He doesn't seem to care
I was walking home alone and I was really really sad...
I want someone to talk to but no one I know is around..
sigh... I just realized that he seem to be not around whenever I have a problem...
So... I guess it's the right decision to just... like not talk to him?
ee... I still don' t know what to do...
I still think, he's taking me for granted...
But... gah! we're not on a relationship for crying out loud!
ee... Am I thinking too much?
hmm... He just texted me something and that made me even more mad :(
he doesn't really seem to care T^T
sigh... ok so just let it be... I don't care now...
But I'm so hurt... T^T

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