Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another week of not updating -_-...

ok so starting from December 12 to December 14
the rest I will put tomorrow -_-
So here it is!:

December 12, 2009 - Saturday

Yesh! It's my birthday ^^
But, woah! I had a very bad day!!
Anyhow..., I was kinda satisfied early morning :D
Coz the first person to greet me (besides my sis) is my Knight :)
aww... so sweet! XD
and so on and so fort ^^
the only thing that bothers me was my bestfriends didn't greeted me at all :(
hmm... but anyway,
today we attended a christmas party at Romjin
with the whole family of course
yesh! swimming! I was soooo excited XD
But then, I was irritated coz the Janitor there cut the electricity when I was charging my cellphone
WTF?! He did that on purpose!!!
arrggh... hateful creature should die!!!
what a moron!!! that s2peed low level person!!
He made my day worst!!! XC
I hate him forever!!!!
hmm... and then I thought of revenge
nyahahah!! I did throw trash here and there and everywhere! *evil laugh
hmm... and then I swam here and there... and everywhere... lol
ugh... but I didn't enjoy it... coz there were sooo many people XC
and there were kids having phlegm (?) in their nose... O_o
eww eww eww,,,
ugh... what a day!!!
and then I got to text my knight... and I texted my bestfriend coz I asked her if we will sleep at Stephen's place on socials
and then she replied, saying that she want to greet me exactly 12 midnight so that she's the one to greet me last
aww... I was touched... ahihihi
I was happy coz I thought she forgot my birthday :')
But then again she just wanted to suprise me X)

December 13,2009 - Sunday

Yesh another Christmas Party swimming XD
And today it's with the PTA officers in our college, CCS
We waited at Mcdonalds
and guess what, the other PTA officer had the same last name with my Knight O_o
I thought it was his Dad...
And so, I was nervous O_o
hmm... when he arrived, he was with a little girl
I thought it was my Knight's lil sis
But then when my dad asked him about his son
He said that his son was in 4th year
And I asked that little girl, named Shari, if she had an older bro
She said she doesn't have... So I was satisfied that that man wasn't his dad
Phew... I thought I met his dad in real!
But then again I was dissapointed... Coz I thought I can go swimming with my Knight -_-...
hmm... yesh! there were soooo many foods!!! nomnomnom :)
And my instructor in Management, Ma'am Rona, was with us
Coz she was the secretary in CCS PTA
hmm... woah! the view on top of the slide was sooo beautiful! :D
I was like there for a couple of times... and a couple of minutes...
nyahahahah! I learn to swim the mermaid swim XD
ee... and I guess, I enjoyed this day more than yesterday
I wish that this day was my birthday :)

December 14, 2009 - Monday

woah! I've been busy this couple of days...
Today was my interview for my OJT O_o
I was very nervous... *ba-dump ba-dump
And I was kinda not comfortable with my dress...
Corporate attire orz -_-...
hmm... and then my classmates saw me with that
they said that, I look different or some sort
woah! yesh! A total makeover! :-O
and then we went to Gerona, the place were we have our OJT
ee... yesh, 1st day I was late -_-...
and then, I saw the school
I look weird in the eyes of the students there O_o
ee... and then I met the principal
She was nice... but she said that I was assigned in a different task.. different from my classmates -_-...
hmm... I was assigned in an Internet cafe/Digital Studio
And now, the interview...
Woah! I lack english and communication skills... ahahah!
I was speaking in tagalog orz
Epic fail! otl
But my work was just sooo easy XD
I'm just making a web for their net cafe... in a free web hosting site
ahahah! yay! I already did that on our web engrng subject so it's easy-easy for me XD
hmm... but half day, from 9am to 12nn, I had a very bad feeling -_-
I don't feel so well, I feel like vomiting and my head is spinning
I was going to asked for a time out but I was very shy
And it's my first day though
but well, I did manage to overcome that
and I ate lunch with my friends
they asked their boss if I can be in their team
But he refused, so I had to go back to the net cafe
I was really on it the other half day
I did 5 layouts... and I impressed my boss :)
hmm... they were nice people there
and I learned some photoshop techniques

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