Friday, October 23, 2009

hi there! *waves

<-- annoyed and irritated

yoh! aheheh... so how are you?

see my mood here? I'm a bit irritated coz my pc is like... sigh... don't ask... -_-...

ee... wah! I changed the picture header and it looks good... for me... ^^'

hmmm... so now, I'm planning to explore more about blogger.. eheheh ^-^

ee... woah! I put my picture there at the top right... yup that's me! lololol XD

hmm... so maybe later I'll put my artworks.. eheheh
about today, woah! I feel sad... coz no one's texting me... huhuhu

well 2 of my friends texted me but, they just write 'hi' and 'gudmorning'
hmp! I hate it!

It's like nobody needs me at school
They'll just text me if they need something... or ask something about school...
sigh... I feel lonely right now.. good thing I made this blog to write my feelings...

ok so til here for now... I want to customize this blog
see ya~!

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