Friday, October 23, 2009

2nd post! ^-^

Hi there! How are you?
woah! This is my second post! yay! XD
ee... I just manage the look of my blog... e to... eheheh...
is it too simple or is it too much? X3
hmmm... I put some links to my other account... like deviantart and friendster... weeehh! XD
add me up 'kay?
woah! I put up an image header! But I'll change it later.. got to change 'journal' to 'blog'.. eheheh ^^;
and i also put an image at the bottom... wah! my characters from my manga 'watashi tachi'
you'll know them as soon as I post my artworkz here ^-^
but you can view my workz ans such at deviantart!
so okie til here for now...
take care!

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