Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween~! OwO

Happy Halloween everybody! XD
ee... uhm, sorry I haven't posted anything yesterday... -_-...
you see, I was really sad and down last night...
Wanna know what happened? ok I'll tell you...
We went to get our grades in school, and I was soooo happy I got to see my friends and other classmates again OwO
No that's not the reason that I was sad... this is the real reason...
ee... You see, I entered this contest at deviantart and I was really confident that I'll win in that contest...
but I haven't realized that the deadline is Oct. 30!
And so I rushed last night... and the output was no good... -_-...
I wasn't satisfied with the end result... T^T
here's the output:

But luckily I was able to submit my entry... *sigh.. whew! -_-"
But still I was really down coz... I felt like I'm sooo unlucky yesterday... huhuhu...
My pc sucks... it's so slow! I wanna throw it outside the window! grrr... >:'-(
and then I was like murmuring last night... and I don't know what to do... up to the point that I want to cry...
and becoz my cellphone has load, I texted some of my friends... I told them I want someone to comfort me... T^T
but, uwaaahhh! no one replied....
I really wasn't expecting someone to reply coz It's 12:30 am or something... and it's really late...
but... wah! I really want someone to talk to that time.. coz I'm on my worse mood... -_-...
and then, my cellphone rang, and guess who texted? he's the only one who texted me that time...
It's my friends Jonnel...
uwaaah... I really felt touched that time... there's tears behind my eyes... TuT
but, it's only a late message.. but still it's oukei T^T
atleast he made me feel happy... :D
and this morning I received lots of text from my friends... they were all worried about me TuT
uwaah... tears of joy flowed through my eyes... I really felt glad!
ee.. and my friends online gave inspiring words too...
aww... I'm stil lucky I have my friends! :D
ee... what more?
today I went outside to comfort myself...
I still feel the bad luck within...

ok so til here! nytie nyt!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I feel really happy n_n

Reimei feels Happy and Touched

Today, I went to school to get my grades... but sad to say they didn't release our grades yet... T^T
Releasing of grades will be on friday, October 30,2009...
ee... But it's ok for me, coz I already viewed my grades online n_n
And guess what? I have 1.25's for 5 subjects, which are all major, and 1.75's for 3 subjects, which are all minor...
I'm really glad about my grades... and I feel so good! Coz I'll be a University scholar! Which means I will be a full scholar! No more tuition fees! yay! XD
Today I also scanned my artworkz for halloween... and I'm still on my way coloring it in photoshop.
Hope I make it in time for halloween... and for the contest deadline in deviantart.
About the jobfest, I wasn't able to submit my resume coz... OMG! There were sooo many people O_o
I really want to find a part-time job but, I have to prioritize the more important things... eheheh XD
Like studying... and practicing my skills in photoshop... lol X3
Hm... By the way, I'm really glad today coz, I was able to update my deviantart account
I cleared my deviantbox by faving my favorite artz... n_n
and I also submit something... eheheh...
and updated my journal there...
hmm... and one of my friends there, snaaake..., noted me and said that he wanted to commission me... woah! I'm really excited and at the same time nervous... coz THIS WILL BE MY FIRST TIME TO BE COMMISSIONED!!! O_o
uwaahh.... I feel really happy coz someone finds my artworks interesting... up to the point that he wants me to draw the front page of his novel n_n
I really really really feel hyped-up! XDDD
But what really makes me feel happy today is that..., my friends from deviantart made me cry... tears of joy! TuT
I'm really grateful to them... coz they still remember me... T^T
The one I uploaded today had some nice feedbacks... and lots of +favs too! X3
And some of my friends commented on my journal... I was very touched about their messages... I feel really really... really... *sob.. Happy! ^-^
ee... I really have some personal problems right now... specially with my friends in school, and I'm very glad my online friends are here to comfort me... n_n
ee.. There are so many nice people around the globe... n_n
GOD is so good... Even though I have lots of bad deeds and sins... He's sooo good to me... I feel ashamed and unworthy... T-T
Thank you so much!
But I will do my best not to be bad anymore... Please give me another chance... T^T
ok so til here for now... I feel so exhausted...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm going out tomorrow~!

Reimei is happy! n_n

Gud eve! eheheh n_n
Last night I was sooo happy coz me, my sis and my mom watch TV together... survivor phil palau and a korean novela titled 'shining inheritance'... eheheh...
wah! It's been a while since we watched and laughed together... coz, my sis and I,we've been always busy studying... and It feels good n_n
and last night I draw another halloween-themed art... aheheh... XD
and tomorrow I'll scan my artworkz! yay!
I've been searching halloween-themed contest with subscription prizes around deviantart.. coz I'm planning to join...
yay! I'm sooo excited! XDDD
ee... so hopefully tomorrow we will get our report of grades...
wah! I wish I can be a full scholar! I need an average of 1.45 to be one n_n
hmmm... ee... my bestfriends Marianne said she got inspired from drawing again, and she said it's becoz of me XD
yay! Me feels happy today! and hyped-up! lol

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween is near! :D

-- ... yay?

Gud afternoon! :D
Yay~! Halloween is near!
I think we will visit our relatives... and go to the cemetery...
hmmm... I kinda miss our late relatives... specially my aunt... she passed away coz of a heroic deed... She's in heaven now coz she's a really good person :)
Please pray for her soul
By the way, last night I draw something for halloween :D
yup! lineart is finish!
and I'll scan it this wednesday and color it and publish it... on November 1 XD
weehh! I'm so excited with the outcome! XDDD
I'll comment it to my friends and of course, I'll put it here and on deviantart :D
hmm... what more to write ^^"
oh, we will be getting our grades this wednesday... uwah! I hope I don't have a failing grade! T-T
and I hope I can be a full scholar at our University X3

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Sunday! start of another week!

<-- calm and satisfied

uwaahhh... yay! It's Sunday! ^_^

Today, I'm sooo happy coz we went to church as a family... I mean, we're complete... eheheh ^^"

hmm... and then we went to metrotown mall to eat lunch... wah! I ate alot... I miss chicken fillet!

and then we play at worlds of fun... ee... my sis sang and dance paraparadise... hahah!

e to... 1pm we went home coz my lil bro wants to... ee...

and now I'm here writing to my blog! hahah! lololol XD

What more to write... hmm...

Oh yeah, last night I put and arrange my posters on my room...

I already put my poster of katekyo hitman reborn near my bed ^-^

wanna see my room? ehehe... here:

ee... so.. yeah, welcome to my room! n_n

actually, me and my sis share the same room... I only took a picture of my portion of our room ... ahehhe ^^

hmmm... Did I already tell you I'm an otaku? ahhehe...

woah! yay! I love all my posters! hihihi

the reborn poster is on the bottom right... see? eheheh... uwaaah! everytime I look at it, it's like my fangirl side is breaking free! XD

look at my bed... I have a big togepi stuff toy... it's soooooooooooooo cute! XD

Friday, October 23, 2009

hi there! *waves

<-- annoyed and irritated

yoh! aheheh... so how are you?

see my mood here? I'm a bit irritated coz my pc is like... sigh... don't ask... -_-...

ee... wah! I changed the picture header and it looks good... for me... ^^'

hmmm... so now, I'm planning to explore more about blogger.. eheheh ^-^

ee... woah! I put my picture there at the top right... yup that's me! lololol XD

hmm... so maybe later I'll put my artworks.. eheheh
about today, woah! I feel sad... coz no one's texting me... huhuhu

well 2 of my friends texted me but, they just write 'hi' and 'gudmorning'
hmp! I hate it!

It's like nobody needs me at school
They'll just text me if they need something... or ask something about school...
sigh... I feel lonely right now.. good thing I made this blog to write my feelings...

ok so til here for now... I want to customize this blog
see ya~!

2nd post! ^-^

Hi there! How are you?
woah! This is my second post! yay! XD
ee... I just manage the look of my blog... e to... eheheh...
is it too simple or is it too much? X3
hmmm... I put some links to my other account... like deviantart and friendster... weeehh! XD
add me up 'kay?
woah! I put up an image header! But I'll change it later.. got to change 'journal' to 'blog'.. eheheh ^^;
and i also put an image at the bottom... wah! my characters from my manga 'watashi tachi'
you'll know them as soon as I post my artworkz here ^-^
but you can view my workz ans such at deviantart!
so okie til here for now...
take care!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Welcome welcome~! Welcome to ReiMei's Blog! o(=^-^=)O

Hajimemashite! Welcome to my blog! XD
yay! This is my very very very first entry! XDDD
hmm... how should I start this... hmmm... -_-...
err... so i'm gonna post my feelings here... eheheh... and some of my artworks! ^_^
hmmm... so okie so til here for now... i'm still not use in this blog... ^^"
i want to explore for now...

okie so til here!

have a good day! bye-bee! XD