Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A week before school starts...

Exhausted... duh -_-...

Yesh, one week before school starts again
And I'm on my last year in college...
Hmm, How should I put it...
I'm a bit excited, yet tired
And a little nervous
Coz it's going to be a long year
Lots of projects and hard work
OMG, I really get dizzy just of thinking about it @_@
Well, I have to overcome all of it
hmm, know what?
I've decided to do my very best this year
Coz it's my last year and,
I want to prove something
If I can, I want an award
I'm aiming for Cum Laude
It's gonna be hard but, I really want it
I'll start to change and start to manage my time
I want to be the model that I want to be
A person who can balance this... probably
And I don't want to regret not doing my best anymore
I want to graduate with a contentment and satisfaction
In order to do those things, I have some things to sacrifice
like, not going to draw or less time to sleep, less time reading manga and surfing with unrelated-to-school stuffs... something like that
hm, If I manage to excel this sem, maybe I can balance my time and have time with those stuffs...
what more... hmm...
Ok so til here!
BTW, look at my deviantart account --> http://reimei12.deviantart.com
I submitted my 'temporary goodbye art'
coz I will not be updating that account for a while
And, woah! I thought my subbie expired
I have another 6 months subbie! WHA-?!
hmm... someone good-hearted must have extended my subbie... teehee~!
Ok now, goodnyt blog! n_n

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