Wednesday, June 2, 2010

restless -__-...

As the title says...

Yep... I've been soooooo restless...
No vacation...
And I'm tired of it...
Yesh I was expecting this but,
OMG! I didn't thought that my body wouldn't handle the stress!
and I made this day my day-off coz I feel so tired this morning...
ee... and I have to finish my service in OSA...
and OJT at CCS
more than 1 week befrore school starts again..
hmm... woah! Time flies so fast!!! O_O
hmm... what more...
oh, our monitor is broken
and we have to buy another one
and next week we'll have to freez the internet
so, so long... I think I'll be updating before school starts..
It sucks.. to have no internet connection at home
But we have to.. uhm... stay put..
and err... I have to sleep

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