Saturday, June 12, 2010

2 days left before school starts

Uberly excited :D

My last year in college will start 2 days from now
And I'm very excited n_n
I've been advance reading
CISCO 3 and PHP basics
And I'm sooo excited to buy a new book about PHP! eheheh XD
My lolo from America will be sending me money...
yeah! hahah! XDDD
hmmm.., This morning me and my Knight were texting
And I felt sooo happy coz we were texting about stuffs
ehehe... it's a long story... :D
hm, I really want to see him so much
and my classmates and friends too
errr, btw, while I was reading my Cisco notes, I drew an image at the back of it
eheheh... gonna show you later when I take a pic of it XP
hm, I draw when I'm bored... Can't take that off me I guess X)
Anyway, gotta go now!
I need to e-mail my Lolo
Ja neh! *waves

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