Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2nd week in school starts with...

bursting with... errr... can't explain the feeling orz

... a loud and noisy morning
yep... Mom is shouting here and there
coz my lil bro doesn't want to get up for school
and then, at school, Knight is a little grumpy coz of what happened yesterday
he was a bit angry to our group mates in thesis
but thank goodness it all end well
hmm... our first PHP tutorial was, ok...
a little intro to the subject
and then yada yada
classes ends at 2:30pm
so we went to the library at our college
but the room is full so we went at the student center
but it's hot and they decided to go to the main library
I don't wanna go there so instead I go to the OSA to renew my new scholarship 8D
but I end up not renewing(?) it coz I forgot my report of grades
and Knight was angry at me coz I didn't say to them that I was going to OSA instead of going to the main library
errr.. duh? I did say it when we were still at the student center
hmm.. so my mood gone worst again
and I ended up being harsh on him
and now I'm overbursting with sadness coz he's not texting me
sigh... I want to write this down
coz I can't tell this to anyone
but there's something good happened today
We received the money my Lolo sent me
yayz... --,
ok so til here
hope tomorrow's a good day

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