Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2nd week in school starts with...

bursting with... errr... can't explain the feeling orz

... a loud and noisy morning
yep... Mom is shouting here and there
coz my lil bro doesn't want to get up for school
and then, at school, Knight is a little grumpy coz of what happened yesterday
he was a bit angry to our group mates in thesis
but thank goodness it all end well
hmm... our first PHP tutorial was, ok...
a little intro to the subject
and then yada yada
classes ends at 2:30pm
so we went to the library at our college
but the room is full so we went at the student center
but it's hot and they decided to go to the main library
I don't wanna go there so instead I go to the OSA to renew my new scholarship 8D
but I end up not renewing(?) it coz I forgot my report of grades
and Knight was angry at me coz I didn't say to them that I was going to OSA instead of going to the main library
errr.. duh? I did say it when we were still at the student center
hmm.. so my mood gone worst again
and I ended up being harsh on him
and now I'm overbursting with sadness coz he's not texting me
sigh... I want to write this down
coz I can't tell this to anyone
but there's something good happened today
We received the money my Lolo sent me
yayz... --,
ok so til here
hope tomorrow's a good day

Saturday, June 12, 2010

2 days left before school starts

Uberly excited :D

My last year in college will start 2 days from now
And I'm very excited n_n
I've been advance reading
CISCO 3 and PHP basics
And I'm sooo excited to buy a new book about PHP! eheheh XD
My lolo from America will be sending me money...
yeah! hahah! XDDD
hmmm.., This morning me and my Knight were texting
And I felt sooo happy coz we were texting about stuffs
ehehe... it's a long story... :D
hm, I really want to see him so much
and my classmates and friends too
errr, btw, while I was reading my Cisco notes, I drew an image at the back of it
eheheh... gonna show you later when I take a pic of it XP
hm, I draw when I'm bored... Can't take that off me I guess X)
Anyway, gotta go now!
I need to e-mail my Lolo
Ja neh! *waves

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A week before school starts...

Exhausted... duh -_-...

Yesh, one week before school starts again
And I'm on my last year in college...
Hmm, How should I put it...
I'm a bit excited, yet tired
And a little nervous
Coz it's going to be a long year
Lots of projects and hard work
OMG, I really get dizzy just of thinking about it @_@
Well, I have to overcome all of it
hmm, know what?
I've decided to do my very best this year
Coz it's my last year and,
I want to prove something
If I can, I want an award
I'm aiming for Cum Laude
It's gonna be hard but, I really want it
I'll start to change and start to manage my time
I want to be the model that I want to be
A person who can balance this... probably
And I don't want to regret not doing my best anymore
I want to graduate with a contentment and satisfaction
In order to do those things, I have some things to sacrifice
like, not going to draw or less time to sleep, less time reading manga and surfing with unrelated-to-school stuffs... something like that
hm, If I manage to excel this sem, maybe I can balance my time and have time with those stuffs...
what more... hmm...
Ok so til here!
BTW, look at my deviantart account --> http://reimei12.deviantart.com
I submitted my 'temporary goodbye art'
coz I will not be updating that account for a while
And, woah! I thought my subbie expired
I have another 6 months subbie! WHA-?!
hmm... someone good-hearted must have extended my subbie... teehee~!
Ok now, goodnyt blog! n_n

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

restless -__-...

As the title says...

Yep... I've been soooooo restless...
No vacation...
And I'm tired of it...
Yesh I was expecting this but,
OMG! I didn't thought that my body wouldn't handle the stress!
and I made this day my day-off coz I feel so tired this morning...
ee... and I have to finish my service in OSA...
and OJT at CCS
more than 1 week befrore school starts again..
hmm... woah! Time flies so fast!!! O_O
hmm... what more...
oh, our monitor is broken
and we have to buy another one
and next week we'll have to freez the internet
so, so long... I think I'll be updating before school starts..
It sucks.. to have no internet connection at home
But we have to.. uhm... stay put..
and err... I have to sleep

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hate this...

Sad and alone...

Sooo sorry I'm been away for soooo long... sooooooo long....
coz... I'm busy... sigh... again and again...
ok enough lying...
I haven't posted coz I'm lazy.... -_-...
hmm... but now...
I have something I want to tell you...
erm, who will read this???!
hmm... err... the truth is, I want to write my feelings
coz it's overflowing... I'm overflowing with sadness and loneliness
you see, it's like this...
they just talk or come to you when they need you...
and leave you when they don't need you...
like a broken toy or a worn out dress...
geez... they're soooo selfish!!!
family, friends, people... they're all the same
in the end, you'll find yourself alone...
s2pid people! you all should just vanish!
Yeah... I want to cry...
I want to cry out loud!!!
I hate this feeling
I'm sooo lonely...
why is it that, when you need them, you can't find them
or can't see them
not even talk to them
please let me know if, there's someone like me...
out there... so that I won't feel this s2pid feeling
or at least, I won't feel that I'm the only one who have this feeling...
yes, I always say this things
I'm hurt again and again...
and I'm sick of it...
why can't I say things on my mind?!
why do I always care of what people think of me?!
I hate my life...
I hate it so much...
I want to change
or live another life...
I can't change myself
I'm soooo weak
I always think that I'm strong
Stronger than anybody else
but i'm wrong
I always think so positively...
but end up doing it negatively...
when will I change?!
I really want too..
I read a quote... and it goes like this...
"If something happens that you don't like, you can either learn to live with it, or try to change it..."
I really want to change it...
but I always end up living with how I see things that I don't like...
I'm a mere loser...
a weak person that can't do anything for herself
when will the time... when I'll mature
when will that time come?
will it ever come?...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

been reading Dengeki Daisy...

for about 3 hours now... lololol XD

I'm sooo addicted over that! XD

and I haven't read manga (except for some) and watch anime for a while now.... -_-...

ee... I wanna sleep but, I want to continue reading 8D

so yeah, 'til here blog!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

about yesterday...

uber happy :D

Hi there!
well, sorry for not posting yesterday.. you see...
we went out to search for an OJT... err... whatever
hmm... and yesterday we went to knight's house... eheheh XD
yay! we went there to have a small picnic
hmm... It really feels good to be with my friends.. specially with my knight :D
Marianne brought her guitar, named amller, along
and Glecy is with us too
err... hmm... we eat manga with bagoong... yummy! XD
and I get to take a nap and eat with my knight by my side n_n
hmm... what more...
yay! I got to experience piggyback ride with my knight
and he said that I'm heavy T^T
but well, that's ok... ahehhe n_n
hmm... what more... err... even if it's my 3rd time to visit his house,
I always get nervous when I meet his parents ^^"
e to, after the picnic, we went to his house again
and his Mom and Dad went to someplace
Glecy went home coz it's late, like 6:30 pm
and Marianne was singing at their sala... videoke alone
I went inside my knight's room... and it's very dark
He showed me a letter he received from someone that has a crush on him
And when I read that letter, I feel so... down... some feeling that made me sad
coz there's someone out there that loves him more than I do
I really feel it in that letter... her love for him
and it kinda reminds me of Marianne ^^"
hmm... but then, he picked me rather than that girl
and now, I realize that I should love him more than how much that girl loved him
I mean, I want to be deserving though... eheheh ^^"
And coz I don't want to lose him...
can I write this? hmmm..
I want to say that...
It's really selffish, but that's what I feel
hmm... after that, we decided to go home coz it's late
It's 7:30 pm.. and my mom just texted
I still have an errand to do
I have to deliver our grades in Retorika at our Prof's house
hmm... my knight said if it's ok for me to be accompanied by him
I refuse, coz it's late and he have something to do
But he really wants to, so I have no choice but to let him
and so, we ride a jeep
the worse part is, I don't remember our Prof's place O_O
We were lost, so we walked and walked until I remember where the place was
ahehhe... and then we delivered the grades safely, and went home
Oh by the way, when we were walking, he said that he'll miss me
coz we'll not see each other for a week (it's our vacation)
and I feel the same way..
but I just said that, it's only going to be a week and he should make himself busy...
but even so, he said that he'll still be missing me
hmm... that time, I want time to stop
and I want him to be always by my side
I really don't want to go home that time
And I wish we can be together all the time
while we were at the tricycle, he kissed me on my cheeks
telling he'll miss me again and again
I also said that I'll miss him
and kiss him on his cheeks for like, 10 seconds or so
hmm... he request for a kiss on my lips
and he kiss me for like a second... aheheh ^^"
but then, I think he wants it to be a longer one

so we kissed again, like 30 seconds, while at the tricycle
woah! I wish the driver didn't see us... or more over, I wish nobody saw us O_O
hmm... and then we asked the driver to let us down uhm, not near our subdivision

and we walked and I waited for him to ride another tricycle coz he's going home
I repeatedly said that I love him n_n
while we were walking, he suprisely kissed me on my lips again
ahahah! it's a really sweet kiss
we kiss like, for 20 seconds or less
and I really felt that he'll miss me from that kiss
hm... after that, we bid goodbye
and I walked home
and sleep coz of exhaustion
and today, is really a boring day
I woke up 10:00am
and the first thing on my mind
was his face
and I really love what I'm thinking
ee... I want to shout out loud that I love him n_n
ohhh... I want to daydream so...
that's all for today!
My third year college life ends yesterday