Wednesday, March 31, 2010

about yesterday...

uber happy :D

Hi there!
well, sorry for not posting yesterday.. you see...
we went out to search for an OJT... err... whatever
hmm... and yesterday we went to knight's house... eheheh XD
yay! we went there to have a small picnic
hmm... It really feels good to be with my friends.. specially with my knight :D
Marianne brought her guitar, named amller, along
and Glecy is with us too
err... hmm... we eat manga with bagoong... yummy! XD
and I get to take a nap and eat with my knight by my side n_n
hmm... what more...
yay! I got to experience piggyback ride with my knight
and he said that I'm heavy T^T
but well, that's ok... ahehhe n_n
hmm... what more... err... even if it's my 3rd time to visit his house,
I always get nervous when I meet his parents ^^"
e to, after the picnic, we went to his house again
and his Mom and Dad went to someplace
Glecy went home coz it's late, like 6:30 pm
and Marianne was singing at their sala... videoke alone
I went inside my knight's room... and it's very dark
He showed me a letter he received from someone that has a crush on him
And when I read that letter, I feel so... down... some feeling that made me sad
coz there's someone out there that loves him more than I do
I really feel it in that letter... her love for him
and it kinda reminds me of Marianne ^^"
hmm... but then, he picked me rather than that girl
and now, I realize that I should love him more than how much that girl loved him
I mean, I want to be deserving though... eheheh ^^"
And coz I don't want to lose him...
can I write this? hmmm..
I want to say that...
It's really selffish, but that's what I feel
hmm... after that, we decided to go home coz it's late
It's 7:30 pm.. and my mom just texted
I still have an errand to do
I have to deliver our grades in Retorika at our Prof's house
hmm... my knight said if it's ok for me to be accompanied by him
I refuse, coz it's late and he have something to do
But he really wants to, so I have no choice but to let him
and so, we ride a jeep
the worse part is, I don't remember our Prof's place O_O
We were lost, so we walked and walked until I remember where the place was
ahehhe... and then we delivered the grades safely, and went home
Oh by the way, when we were walking, he said that he'll miss me
coz we'll not see each other for a week (it's our vacation)
and I feel the same way..
but I just said that, it's only going to be a week and he should make himself busy...
but even so, he said that he'll still be missing me
hmm... that time, I want time to stop
and I want him to be always by my side
I really don't want to go home that time
And I wish we can be together all the time
while we were at the tricycle, he kissed me on my cheeks
telling he'll miss me again and again
I also said that I'll miss him
and kiss him on his cheeks for like, 10 seconds or so
hmm... he request for a kiss on my lips
and he kiss me for like a second... aheheh ^^"
but then, I think he wants it to be a longer one

so we kissed again, like 30 seconds, while at the tricycle
woah! I wish the driver didn't see us... or more over, I wish nobody saw us O_O
hmm... and then we asked the driver to let us down uhm, not near our subdivision

and we walked and I waited for him to ride another tricycle coz he's going home
I repeatedly said that I love him n_n
while we were walking, he suprisely kissed me on my lips again
ahahah! it's a really sweet kiss
we kiss like, for 20 seconds or less
and I really felt that he'll miss me from that kiss
hm... after that, we bid goodbye
and I walked home
and sleep coz of exhaustion
and today, is really a boring day
I woke up 10:00am
and the first thing on my mind
was his face
and I really love what I'm thinking
ee... I want to shout out loud that I love him n_n
ohhh... I want to daydream so...
that's all for today!
My third year college life ends yesterday

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

errr... yeah... -_-...

somewhat annoyed ^^"

hey blog... sorry for not updating...
sigh... ok the same reason... busy, lazy,... -_-...
hmm... but now, let me write what I feel...
today is a very... busy day...
ugh, I went to school to ask my CISCO prof if I can still take the final exam online...
hmm... I haven't taken it yet coz of some reason...
gonna tell u later mmkay?
not on the mood right now... -_-...
and then, our CISCO prof was not around yet
ugh... and so I decided to go to CASS to meet my retorika teacher coz I'll submit our grades
but alas! she's not around... $#%$@^&
hmm.. I was feeling weak... coz I'm alone...
and I didn't eat breakfast and lunch..
so I decided to eat at Mcdo
I treat myself for WORKING SO HARD HAHAH!
hmm... yesh, I was so tired and thirsty that time
and I look like a moron... -_-...
hmm... after that, I return to school, and saw my classmates
yesh they look so... as if they don't have any problems...
envy envy...
well, look at me... I'm so busy and I'm like walking around!
while they are just chatting and doing things they want to do
well, I guess I deserve to be busy
that's my consequence for having fun last weekends
and for always sleeping for too long orz
hmm... Marianne and Glecy look like they don't care if they still can take the final exam in CISCO,
and decided to go to some place quiet and cold
I mean, WTF?! as if they really really really don't care!!!
and they want me to answer their final exam?! #!%^#&^$&*
arrgh... YESH! I REFUSE!
that's too much... way tooooo much!
they have their little relaxing time enjoying theirselves while I
I was like sooooo busy the whole time!
and I'm kinda annoyed waiting for our prof!!!
and then, yesh... they left...
they leave me and go to the place they want to stay
I was left there waiting...
moan... I wish someone will accompany me....
but no00o0o0o0o0...
my classmates Neil and Clariza were there
but they were busy chatting -_-...
hmm... after that I went to the net lab...
and saw some friends...
good thing I went there
they gave me a copy of the request form for OJT
ee... I thought I was going home empty handed T^T
soooo... I waited for the faculty meeting to end so that I can have our dean's signature
damn faculty meeting! their having their conversation waaay tooo long!!
I was like, going in and out our bldg. like a moron
and I've been walking and walking and walking and walking...
and oh, did I mention that I've been walking?!
hmm... and for an hour or so, finally the meeting ended!
I finally got the signature of those important people...
I wanna go home so badly...
and yesh, I was relieved to see our CISCO prof
and I made him reopen the final exam XD
ahahah! mission 1 accomplished! X3
the only thing I haven't done was to pass our grades and requirement to our retorika prof
but well, I'll just pass it tomorrow... if ever I see her
but now let me just relax...
and do things I want to do...
hmm... wait... something happened now
that made my heart hurt T^T
it's becoz, my knight wanted me to answer his final exam
it's ok with me coz it's him buuuuuut,
his password is really hurtfull! T^T
you know what that is???
rellma is marianne, my best friend
and it's his password
that's.... ouch... hurt me through the heart TT^TT
uwaah... I think he had a crush on her!!! TT^TT
that's really hurtful! so sad! so frustrating! so... so... annoying!!!
uwahahahah! my knight and my bestfriend really hurt me today!!! TT^TT
so now, I'm not in the mood to write my letter for my knight...
and to write the happenings on our monthsary last saturday... O_O
and I think I don't want to see them tomorrow
even though they have to sign their OJT forms...
so til here
hope tomorrow's a good day...