Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hate this...

Sad and alone...

Sooo sorry I'm been away for soooo long... sooooooo long....
coz... I'm busy... sigh... again and again...
ok enough lying...
I haven't posted coz I'm lazy.... -_-...
hmm... but now...
I have something I want to tell you...
erm, who will read this???!
hmm... err... the truth is, I want to write my feelings
coz it's overflowing... I'm overflowing with sadness and loneliness
you see, it's like this...
they just talk or come to you when they need you...
and leave you when they don't need you...
like a broken toy or a worn out dress...
geez... they're soooo selfish!!!
family, friends, people... they're all the same
in the end, you'll find yourself alone...
s2pid people! you all should just vanish!
Yeah... I want to cry...
I want to cry out loud!!!
I hate this feeling
I'm sooo lonely...
why is it that, when you need them, you can't find them
or can't see them
not even talk to them
please let me know if, there's someone like me...
out there... so that I won't feel this s2pid feeling
or at least, I won't feel that I'm the only one who have this feeling...
yes, I always say this things
I'm hurt again and again...
and I'm sick of it...
why can't I say things on my mind?!
why do I always care of what people think of me?!
I hate my life...
I hate it so much...
I want to change
or live another life...
I can't change myself
I'm soooo weak
I always think that I'm strong
Stronger than anybody else
but i'm wrong
I always think so positively...
but end up doing it negatively...
when will I change?!
I really want too..
I read a quote... and it goes like this...
"If something happens that you don't like, you can either learn to live with it, or try to change it..."
I really want to change it...
but I always end up living with how I see things that I don't like...
I'm a mere loser...
a weak person that can't do anything for herself
when will the time... when I'll mature
when will that time come?
will it ever come?...