Saturday, February 27, 2010

a very VERY very special day n_n


--> So deeply inlove
Yesh... This day is a very VERY very special day for me... and for my knight...
coz this is the day, February 27, 2010... 1:34pm... at the topmost floor of the college of education bldg at Lucinda Campus, Tarlac State University, Tarlac City, we became... an official couple n_n
err... aheheh... suprise suprise! ahahah XDDD
hmm... it started like this...
hmm... we went at school to take pics for our multimedia project... and then... blah blah yada yada.. ( I want to write the best part so I'll pass) n_n
and so, we decided to go to Lucinda campus to take pics... hm...
while we were charging the battery of my digicam, me and my Knight decided to... err... explore the educ bldg... eheheh ^^;
and so, we leave Glecy, Marianne, Nimfa and Joan there... there there.. I don't know where orz..
hm... we went to the top floor of the bldg., and up there was a very very very beautiful scene...
I was like... wow... It was really soooooo amazing...
I see how wide the whole world is O_O
aheheh... hmm... my gawd... it's so, wonderful
like, I can see the sky so clearly, and the so wide landscape... lolz (sorry bad grammar... orz)
hmm... we sat there coz it was so quiet... and there was no one around.. just the two of us
and coz we were tired of walking and going up there ehehe ^^
hmm... he then hold my hand, and ask me what was the meaning of 'Daisuki desu'
coz, yesterday, I gave him a letter and another one with that word
and he don't know the meaning of it, coz it's japanese n_n
hmm... I was really shy that time coz... idk... coz I'm nervous I think
but he really wanted me to say it,... and soo...
but I'm really nervous... and embarassed (what?)
and after a very long time, he decided to say it again
to say that he loves me... and that he really really really loves me... XD
aheheh... he's voice is still echoing inside my head hahah!
so I write it on his had... the letter 'I', and symbol heart, and the last letter 'U'...
he got excited (I think)... ahehhe... and like... hm... so happy... he's so cute hahah! XD
and then he look at my eyes... and I was like looking the other way... eheh
hm... after that, he said that he'll be more happy if I said it straight to him... in front of him... from my very own lips... ee XD
hmm... I want him to be happy so I said it... that... I love him too... in a very very very slow tone... like... he said it first before me... something like that n_n
and he was so happy he asked me if we're now a couple...
I was shocked... but at the same time happy...
we promise each other to keep it a secret from everyone... including our parents, friends... and everyone around
that is our very own secret... just the two of us knowing that... aheheh
( I hope no one will ever read this... specially mom... or else I'm so doomed O_O)
then he kissed me on my cheeks.. he asked me to kiss him too
But I was like, so aggresive (what the hell?) that time I want him to kiss me... on the lips... orz *blushes
and then, yesh... he kissed me... on my lips... like... for 10 seconds... and I was like, woah...
his lips, was sooo soft... and I want to kiss him more... so we kiss for the second time... longer than the first
hmm... my heart beats so fast it really hurts that time... O_O
and I hug him... and he hug me too
he thank me for loving him... and I felt the same way to him...
even though I want to say those things, no words came out my mouth
but I wsih he felt it anyways
I'm his first, and he want me to be his last...
and I want the same thing too
ee...then, we decided to call each other 'Yam'...
err... I donm't know why... he's the one who said it anyway ^^
It's a really funny name to call each other, and weird at the same time hahah XD
but it's cute X3
hmm... I really think he's sooo cute that time..
when I was looking on his eyes, I really fell inlove...
ahahah... isn't it weird?
I'm in love... so deeply inlove...
I don't want this feeling to go away...
I want to, share the good and bad times with him
Always with him... I want that...
I really really really love him
I said it to him while I hug him so tight
and then, when we decided to leave, I kiss him again while walking (woah I was so aggresive, don't you think? O_O)
and hug him tightly... so tight... that I don't want to let him go... and I mwant to stop time
hm... but then, the others are waiting for us aheheh...
before we went downstairs, he asked for one last kiss
and that kiss, was like... so sweet...
he kiss me like... he don't want to let it go hahah!
and me too, I want to stop time that time... and kiss him crazily
yesh... I'm crazily inlove...
I'm so weird... this feeling is sooo weird... everythings weird
and I can't believe I receive my first, second, third and fourth kiss that time
and I'm sooo happy coz it's from him
I love it, this feeling... I want to cry... tears of joy...
I wish, we can still do that sometime...
I want him to feel the same feelings I did
so... that's that... our love story...
This is not the end... but the beginning of our very long journey
It's going to be tough, but I wish our relationship will be strong
and I wish we can be stronger...
so til here!
by the way, sorry for not updating for almost 2 months O_O
lots of things happened... apart from that, Iw as so busy and everything
gonna tell you this later...
for now, I want to daydream... and think back what happened...