Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010! + Yosh! 2 weeks update

'kay so I'll be posting 2 weeks update, from December 21st to 30th ^^;

December 21, 2009 - Monday

hmm... again, I can't remember... so bare with it! XC

December 22, 2009 - Tuesday

Yesh I cannot forget abou this day :D
This day my Knight and I went shopping for me to buy Christmas gifts for everyone ^^
hmm... So it started like this
At first, I didn't tell my mom that my Knight will accompany me
But just so she noticed that I'm preparing to go somewhere
So I just said the truth
I thought she'll be angry, but then she just agree and all
hmm... My mom accompany me to school, where me and my Knight will meet
After waiting, I finally saw my Knight
And it's really funny he's hiding coz he's scared to mom
(coz he didn't know that mom knew we will be together heheh)
hmm... we were laughing and all
And my classmate, Tin, saw me, my knight and mom together
ahaha... hmm... I expect issues in school will spread at the start of class
Then Mom and I seperate ways
She's going to the market, and me and my knight will go to mall to buy gifts ^^
hmm... I thought of giving dad a tshirt, ark a chocolate and my sis a cellphone bag(?)
Sis already had a gift for mom, so she ask me not to buy one anymore,
so I have to buy one for dad
(we'll divide it between the two of us hehhe)
hmm... after we bought a gift for dad, I decided not to buy chocolates for ark (my lil bro)
I'll just buy him a box of sprinkles... ahehhe...
hmmm... and then we went to metrotown mall to buy my gift for sis
and at the 3rd floor we went to wrap the gifts
hmm... My knight bought 4 siomai, coz he doesn't have money ehehe
He said it was really spicy, so he just ate one and give the rest to me
ahahah! I was glad coz he then bought ice cream :D
hmm... what more happened?
He accompany me to buy some personal stuffs
Like lotion, cotton etc.
We were talking to each other while walking, and it's really great
I was never bored while we were walking, even if we walk a long way :)
at pass 2pm he walked me home
Mom was not home that time so he hadn't talked to her
And then we bid goodbye...
He texted me saying he was ashamed coz I was so hungry when I was with him
But I thought it's ok, it's really fun to be with him though ^^

December 23, 2009 - Wednesday

It's the death anniversary of my aunt Janet
So nobody should be too happy today
hmm... It's also Glecy's relatives' baptism today
They invited me but I insisted
I didn't texted them coz they'll just annoy me

December 24, 2009 - Thursday

One day before Christmas!
Actually we're going to celebrate or noche buena at midnight today ^^
Yesh I'm totally excited XD
I was up finishing my artwork!
(gonna post it later heheh)
and then I'll send it via friendster to my friends ^^
actually, that artwork is my gift for Papa Jesus
who is the birthday celebrant tomorrow
hmm... I'm dedicating it to Him for the talent He gave me ^^
hmm... then near midnight, my friends texted me
Greeting me Merry Christmas and all ^^
aheheh... but sad to say I didn't reply (no load orz)
I help in the preparation of foods
Like, I look for the barbeque ^^
hmm... everyone was so busy
Mom and Dad and Ark were busy sleeping
And sis, is surfing the net I think
ee... I wish everyone would wake up for the noche buena
I went outside and write a letter for Jesus through text (and still on my cellphone drafts heheh)
They did wake up, 30 minutes late -_-............
But it's ok, we exchanged gifts and all
I receive a tshirt with a very cute design, a soap, and undies from mom
ahahah! sis, ark and dad didn't give me anything but its ok ^^
hmm... after that sleep time
I had fun this day ehhe

December 25, 2009 - Friday

The day Papa Jesus came to earth! :D
I did uploaded my gift for him yesterday ehehe
hmm..., today, it's really like a normal day
But no one should be fighting...
hmm... what more...
there's still lots of kids going to houses and carol
nobody should be greedy so mom and dad gave them something hehhe

December 26, 2009 - Saturday

Crap! It's Jessica's birthday today!
Actually, it's her debut O_O
I thought it's going to be tomorrow
Glcy texted me, asking if I'll come
But Marianne said she will not, so I decided not to go too
I didn't reply on Glecy's text, nor answer her calls
(I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo rude orz)

December 27, 2009 - Sunday

Yet another occasion I didn't attend: our Christmas/Year end party as a class
Crap! I thought it was going to be swimming but I guess wrong -_-...
sigh... I just told them that mom ddn't allow me, so I didn't go
and we didn't went to church too -_-...

December 28 - 30, 2009 - Monday - Wednesday

Nothing much...coz I really don't remember heheh
I just remeber that we had a group meeting for our SAD subject
research proposal or something
and my knight and I had a fight
coz I was in a bad mood
And he was calling the later days but I didn't answer his calls
He got mad when I texted something
Like, I was pissed off and he thought he was annoying me
But then we made things up
He texted first, apologizing for being so annoying
and I apologize for being hot tempered...
He went to our house to get some lectures coz he'll review too
He was with his friend, and he gave me siomai heheh
hmm... I was happy seeing him again at this time

hmm... 'kay so til here for now,
I'm kinda lazy.............
I'm watching K-ON! eheheh